Best Places to Find Pokémon (In The World)

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Disneyland CA - The happiest place on earth is also one of the busiest Pokemon Go locations we have found! Rumor has it Mickey Mouse is a direct relation to a Rattata...

Times Square NYC - The location of the Pokemon Go! trailer video, Times Square is a hot spot of Pokemon activity including Jigglypuff, Geodudes, Ponyta and more.

Bryant Park NYC - Not as famous to tourists, Bryant Park has a high concentration of Pokestops as well as a much contested Gym that changes ownership multiple times an hour.

Old Sacramento District CA - Steeped in history surrounding the Gold Rush and the Transcontinental Railroad, Old Sacramento in the California capitol city has over 20 Pokespots in less than three square miles, many of which have an almost constant set of lures on them.

The St. Louis Zoo - So many people are playing Pokemon Go! at the St. Louis zoo that the zoo's own webpage has put up a note about how to play at the zoo and what to do / not to do. Try riding the train around - easy hunting!

Seattle Center - The Seattle Center is home to more than just the Space Needle... it is also ripe with Pokestops and Gyms to battle for power!

Thank you guys so much for over 100 views! I know it isn't a lot at all compared to others, but I'm new and haven't used Wattpad for that long so to me it means the world! You can (probably) expect a new chapter every 100 new views! Again, thank you!!

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