Austin and I decided that we wouldn't abort the baby. I'm not for abortion and neither is he.

So today Austin and I are going to the police station. With everything going on I decided that for my safety I should tell then the truth about my parents. Well and Austin doesn't want any harm to come to the baby.

He's been reading up on pregnancy and miscarriages. And he just want to take care of us. After the police station we are going to my gynecologists for the first appointment.

"Hello can I talk to the chief" I asked the lady at the front.

"Um about what" she asked.

"Missing person" I said squeezing Austin hand tighter.

"Ok what the name" she asked.

"Brooke young" I said.

"Ok go sit and wait" she said pointing to the chairs,

Austin and I waited for what felt like hours until we finally got called back.


The police said that defiantly do something about the issue. They said they'd talk to the police there for more information and it helped to see the scares I had and the picture I had for bruises I had when I first moved here.

"Ok this might be cold so bare with me" my doctor said.

Austin and I are hoping to hear the heart beat. Finally there was this odd sound.

"And that is your baby's heart beat" she said.

"Oh thank god" Austin said leaning down and kissing me.

"Now due to your past I'm putting you on strict bed rest. You can do things like go get something to eat or walk from bed to couch or shower but no longer than ten minutes. And I hope dad here will encourage these rules" she said.

"Oh trust me I will" he said.

On the way home Austin and I picked up some Panera and headed home where I was forced to lay in bed.

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