eight | frogotten in winter

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Chapter Eight

I hadn't kissed him back, and he slowly pulled away. Looking at me from eye to eye.

"Do that again." I said, taking a deep breath. It hurt but I had to, I was so shocked.

"Sure you sure?" He whispered, his face getting closer by the second.

"I'm sure that I'm sure." I said jokingly, but he didn't speak again because his lips were on mine.

It was a slow kiss, barely moving out mouths, but it felt nice.

"What the fuck!" We heard. Turning to our left we saw Liam, his mouth open and his eyes wide.

"I-It's not- I didn't- he." I mumbled, fumbling over my words.

"What Liam?" Louis asked calmly. How can he be so calm he just kissed me. I didn't want this, I didn't want this at all.

"What the fuck were you doing to him?" Liam asked, coming closer to the both of us. A small whimper escaped my lips. I didn't want to be here with them like this.

"I wasn't doing anything Liam." He said simple.

"You were all over him." He spoke, annoyed.

"In my defense he kissed me back." Louis said, pointing at me. "So he wanted it."

"I-" I started.

"Save it." Liam said, shaking his head.

"Liam-" I tried again, but his back was already facing me as he walked away.

"You don't need him anyway." Louis said.

"I do, I really do." I sighed. With that, Louis rose and walked away to the other trail.


Louis didn't talk to me later that day, nor did Liam. I was sat with Niall the whole time while Zayn was with Liam and Ed was with Louis. "So are ye going to explain what this is all about?" Niall asked, finally speaking to me.

"Louis kissed me, and Liam saw it." I sighed.

Niall shook his head, a frown on his face. "Louis did that last year too, and the year before, and the year before that, and so on. Liam was probably annoyed because he specifically told Louis not to touch you when we first got up here, because well, he knew Louis. Apparently Louis didn't listen, because of what you just told me, and Liam is pissed." Niall concluded.

"Oh." I simply said.

"Hey Niall." A brown hair boy, Leo, said. "Hi Harry."

"Hi." Niall and I both said at the same time.

"How's it goin'?" Niall asked him, as he sat in the seat across from us.

"Good, how's Curly over there." He said quietly, probably trying to make sure I couldn't hear.

"He's good, the whole Louis thing really got to him. He's been eating less than he already does." Niall whispered back.

"I'm going to go sleep or something." I said, not wanting to hear them. I walked away as the two boys said a soft goodbye and kept taking.

I went to the dimly lit bowling alley, and sat in a booth in the corner. I pulled out my phone to see I had no bars, and sighed. There isn't even wifi here. I lean back in the booth, my finger tapping away at the table listening to the faint music.

"Hi." A girl said, sitting down at my table. "I'm Alyssa."

"Harry, nice to meet you." Her eyes widened at the mention of my name.

"I've seen your work, you're very talented." She said, smiling. "I heard you're transferring to LSA." She finished.

"LSA?" I chuckled. "Where did you hear that from?" I asked her.

"I work in Dean Clarence's office, he deals with all the transfers. He was talking about you and two other boys, I can't remember their names. He was saying how "Harry Styles would make a great addition to the program"." She finalized.

"Oh, I wasn't aware." I said, my finger drawing circles. Did mum enroll me? I wouldn't mind, I was really starting to not like it here.

"Well now you are," she said, standing back up, "nice talking with ya Harry." I nodded my head and mumbled a faint same to you.


Tonight was the last night of camp, and I had to retrieve my art supplies and head out. I was going to paint the sky. I grabbed all my paints and my canvas, etc, and headed off. I didn't quite know where I was going, but I knew this would take me all night. So I slipped out of my cabin while the boys were sleeping, and snuck past the teachers keeping watch- even though they looked asleep to me.

I made it to the tree line, and hopped over the brown gate, scratching my arm in the process, at least it didn't hurt. I walked out farther until I came upon a tree that looked easy to climb. I strapped my backpack to me, and tried my best to get to the top of the tree.

I finally made it, only with a few scratches, and peeked out above the tree. There we're a few small clearings, one to my right, one in front of me, one farther to an angle, and one on my left.

I climbed down the tree and decided to go left. It only took a few minutes to get there, that was nice, but I had to jump over a small river. It still was deep, and looked like it would take a while to get across, but I did it anyway. I hopped from one rock to the next, and finally got to the other side.

I decided to paint Delphinus, whom was in the South. I them started to paint Aquila, Vulpecula, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Perseus, and Cepheus. I added other constellations I could see from here, being able to name them.

When I was younger I would go star gazing with Annie and Alice, and we would study the stars and how the moved. We had gotten a stargazing book, each of us got a different one. There were four books, Annie got spring, I got summer, Alice got fall, and I'm not sure who got winter.

The spring and fall constipations I had found that overlapped with summer were all from memory, as I added a few on my painting. The background was black, for three quarters of the picture, then down under was four little people, no detail on any of their faces. One was for Spring, one for Summer, one for Fall, and one for Winter. The small details on their bodies that you would barely ever notice was a small book in their hand color coded to the books we had received as children. I made sure to add the little stream with the rocks, with a little engraving on the rock. It had a little A on it, for Annie. And the tree had a H on it, and the little shed that was on the other side of the river had another A on it. For the fourth letter that remains unknown, was a little star, on the picket fence a few miles back, but I put it close for the painting. I finished with putting one winter constipation that I remembered was Eridanus, the river.



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