one | meeting the boys

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Chapter One

September 7th

The sound of my alarm went off. It was extremely painful to hear. It was another day, the start of a new year.

My name is Harry, I'm 15 and was born and raised in Cheshire. Now I live in London, and let me tell you- it's quite a change. The streets are busier, schools stricter, and people uglier- not physically, they just have an ugly personality. Well, at least the one I met. My mum and dad had bought a flat near my new school- not walking distance, but close enough to ride a bike.

I stood up to take a look in my mirror that still hadn't been hung up, and it showed a pale white big with hair to big for his own good. I was thinking of getting it cut soon, it was getting quite out of control. I turned to find a madness of boxes, bags, shelves and other items laid around my room. The smell of fresh paint and bleach still burned my nostrils, but I liked the feeling. Strange innit?

I dug through one of the boxes labeled school and pulled out everything I would need, my uniform, book bag, books, and then dug through it to look for anything else. I quickly dug through to find a pair of briefs, and put them on as fast as I could. Wondering why I didn't have to strip down? I sleep naked.

I put on my trousers and then my polo, grabbing my socks and my shoes and slipping them on. I grabbed my box with all my hair products and scented sprays. I put on deodorant, fixes my hair and styled it into a quiff (think 2013). I grabbed my my things and headed downstairs to grab a muffin. I checked my watch to see it was 8:03 and school started in 27 minutes. I quickly at the muffin, brushed my teeth, took one good last look in the mirror and said goodbye to my mum and dad.

It was a fresh start.

"Time to call roll, so please settle down students." The teacher, Mrs Brown, said. My first period class was filled with 14 students, and most of my other classes were from that to 20. Small, but it worked. "Jennifer Atkins," a girl in the front raised her hand, "Christopher Brown," another hand went up, and so on. Then I heard my name, "Harry Styles," I raised my hand and felt stares from behind me. "Louis Tomlinson," the boy on my right had raised his hand, giving a high five to the boy in front of him.

She finally finished calling roll, and asked us to pull out materials for the class out so she could check mark who had them. I pulled out all of mine, but the boy next to me seemed to do nothing.

"-Mrs. Rodriguez check, Mr. Ryan's check, Mr. Styles check, Mr. Tomlinson," she sighed.

"Sorry ma'am, I was out and about dilly dallying with my friend. I didn't have time to shop." He faked his sadness. She moved on to the next person, and kept going until she finished.

"Now, first project of the semester. Get to know your partner." She said.

"Do we get to pick partners?" A boy asked.

"No, I will be assigning them." She said, it caused a course of groans and 'why's.

"Now, Jennifer your with Liam, Ava you're with Peter, Ryan you're with André, Joseph you're with Alyssa, Niall you're with Harry-" I lolled around to see who was looking up, and it was a blonde boy. He mouthed "are you Harry" and i nodded my head. He smiled nicely and gave me a thumbs up, I returned them.


I had talked to Niall at the end of first period, and we talked about all sorts of stuff during the first passing period. We had the first two classes together, then 5th and 7th. We decided we'd sit at lunch together, with Niall's friends. I was walking with him now, and he sat down at a table with two other boys. "Hi boys, this is Harry. Harry, this is Liam and Zayn." He said, pointing to each of them.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"You too mate, come sit." The dark haired one said, also known as Zayn.

"So, I haven't seen you around. I'm guessing you just moved here?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I'm from Cheshire." I said.

"Ah, I have family out there. Quite small isn't it?" Zayn asked. I nodded my head.

"Oi boys." Another boy came up to the table and sat in between Liam and Zayn. "Who are you?" He asked quite bluntly.

"Em, Harry." I said.

"Okay, 'Em Harry' I'm Louis." He said, extending his arm across the table to shake mine. I took it and shook his hand, how awkward.

"So are you going to the dance on Friday?" Liam asked.

"Dance?" I questioned.

"Yeah, every year we have a Welcome Back dance for 10th, 11th and 12th." Zayn explains.

"Sure I guess." I shrugged.

"Wait why would he go?" Louis asked. "He didn't go here last year."

"Shut up Louis, you're such and ass sometimes." Zayn joked.

"Harry and I are going to go to the library, we'll see you guys later." God bless this bleach blonde.


Art was by far my favorite class. There wee only 12 people in my class, including the boy Zayn. It was an irregularly small class, but that's okay.

"Hi." Zayn said, taking a seat in front of the desk next to me.

"Hey." I said, smiling. Mum always told me to smile.

"So you draw?" He asks.

"Yeah, but I like to sculpt and I do other types." I said. Zayn's eyes light up.

"You like to sculpt?" He asked.

"Course." I said.

"That seems so cool, I've never tried it." Zayn shrugged.

"Then you have to come over some time, my dad has the tools for it." I said.

"If love that." Zayn said, smiling at me. It was an appreciative smile. I liked his smile.

"Hello class, welcome to Advanced Art. Now that you're finally at the grade to take this class, I expect you to excel. All of you had sent in your different forms of art to get in this class. Jonathan with Acrylic paints, Leah with her sketches, Zayn with his paintings, Ron with his sculptures, Alex with his 3D artwork, Vanessa with her Abstracts, Peter with his digital artwork, Ivory with his designs, Alyssa with her 3D artwork, Leo with his paintings, Veronica with her sketches, and lay but certainly not least, Harry with his outstanding cloth designs. You have all earned a spot in this class for the next three years. Take it seriously." She said, smiling at each of us. Yes, I designed clothing. "Now I'm sure you're all aware of the 'show and tell' in June, where you show your masterpieces. It is worth 40% of your grade. I expect you all to excel." She continues. "For now, all of you will go pick an easel and bring it to your worksite. Pick out what you need for our first project. The topic is: Betrayal. Paint what comes to your mind when you think of this word." She finishes. "Now, hurry on and start."


(((((: - gleetommo

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