eleven | man in the spaceship

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Chapter Eleven

Louis fell asleep on the couch, and I kinda felt bad because the couch wasn't really comfortable, and I didn't want to leave him down here by himself. But that would have been weird if he woke up in my bed.

So I brought some blankets and pillows, and put them on him, careful not to wake him. Then I went upstairs and closed my door, crawling into my bed. It was hot in my room, but I didn't want to turn the air on because my grandma always told me it could cause a fire. Mum said it really can't unless you have an older system, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

So I opened my bay window, only the side ones. Then I went back to bed and stripped down into my boxers, thinking about everything from when I was younger. And everything wasn't a lot.


"Alice why did your daddy and my daddy go to the fair without us? Isn't that quite rude." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"They had to set up Harry, besides the fair isn't much fun." She reasoned.

"But they've got apples with chocolate and caramel on them, even nuts! They've got rides that will make you dizzy, and calm ones that daddy and mummy go on." I said, my six year old self didn't like kissing.

"Oh Harry, those rides are wonderful. Maybe you'll take someone some day." She said.

"Well why don't I take you?" I asked.

She giggled. "Harry that would be weird, you're almost a brother to me."

"And a brother to me, so don't think about it." Annie said, sticking her tongue out at me. I did the same.

"I'll take you Harry." The blue eyed boy said- Louis said.

"Oh no! Mummy says that's not allowed." Annie crossed her arms.

"We know, we'd go as friends and make fun of all the older girls and boys from school. Wouldn't we Harry?" He asked.

"Well in that case we could all go." Annie said excitedly, running around, throwing the daisies all over us that she had just picked.

"Annie!" Alice huffed. "I needed those for my crown!"

"Oops sorry Alice, I'm sure you'll find more." She said sassily.

"But I think I'd go with William, he fancies me." Alice said.

"Fancies you? He poured dirt on your head last summer." Louis scoffed.

"I'm sure he does." I reassured her, glaring at Louis.

"Mummy says boys pretend to hate you when in fact they really love you." Alice said, sighing in content.

"You don't know what love is Alice, there's lots of types of love." Lou rolled his eyes, as I leaned my head on his lap, getting tired. I hadn't got much sleep last night since I was reading these old letters I found in Mr. Alfred's barn. Maybe I should have taken them.

"Of course I know, there he love like you and Harry- the friendly love, " she said, "then there's the the love for Annie and I- the sibling love," and then she smiled happily, "and then there's the love William has for me- he like loves me."

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