Glamorous Night

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And I dream...

Of a glamorous night at the beach. The moon was high up, and the water reflected it's gorgeous shine. Atop of a pile of rocks sated a man. A man with a guitar playing and signing 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley. He sang this while looking at the moon in it's full glory and splendor.
As he did this, his ex passed by with her current boyfriend. She noticed her ex signing at the top of the rocks towards the moon. He was concentrated, so she decided to see to whom is he signing at. When she looked around the front of him, she saw nobody. He kept signing with his eyes closed to not loose focus.
The ex decided to move on and think that he is crazy and out of his mind. While the couple left, the man shed a tear. He was singing to his girlfriend that died on that exact place where he was sitting at.
3 years ago while the same gorgeous moon was out, the man and it's girlfriend were walking on the shores of that beach while holding hands with a tight grip. When suddenly he heard a shot. His eyes didn't saw nobody in front of him, but he felt as his girlfriend's hand lost grip on his. He heard as she tumbled to the cold, soft sand now tainted with blood.
She liked the beach, so he decided to burry her with rocks near the shore. Every single night he goes to that exact spot and sign her favorite song till midnight so that she could be happy.

...And I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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