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====PAULA'S POV====
Finally the day has come! FOUR YEARS and Lady Elizabeth kept refusing to become a demon. Yes, she was very young at the time, and i completely understood why she always refused. Now, the Earl Phantomhive has somehow suddenly died and his butler, Sebastian Michaelis, has vanished also. Now, i know that Sebastian is a demon...a crow demon. Im not sure if he knows if im a demon or not, though.

Lady Elizabeth closes her eyes and i pick her up. She clings onto me and i jump out the window of the room and land on the ground, on my feet of course! cats always land on their feet, right? i then run quickly to the demon island. The trees are busted and fallen over and the middle of the island is caved in very far down. I know that Sebastian had destroyed the island when Ciel's soul was stolen by Claude. I also know that in the depths of the middle caved in spot of the island lay the lifeless corpses of Hannah Annafellows and Claude Faustus. I carry Elizabeth to the broken and half crumbled building and set her on the stone bench. Her eyes remain closed the entire time and she had fallen asleep. This makes it all the easier. My contract seal glows brighter than ever and my eyes are bright orange and fuchsia. My pupils turn to thin black slits and my teeth become sharper. My fingernails turn black and grow a little bit and they look like cat claws. I put my right hand over my lady's left eye for a few seconds, then pull it away. There, on the palm of my right hand, is the contract seal from Elizabeth's eye. I smile and bite into it hard and deep. My hand is soon covered in my blood from my bite and i place my hand over Elizabeth's left eye again. The seal disappears from my hand and back into Elizabeth's eye. The seal wont disappear anymore like it did when she doesnt give me an order. This time and from now on, the seal will stay on her eye...forever. Elizabeth doesnt feel anything as of now, but she will definitely experience pain later on when she is awake. My body turns back to normal and i see that my cat tail is still showing. I laugh a little and swing it around and pet the long soft black tail. I know it will be a long while until Lady Elizabeth will wake up as a demon, so i walk around a little and stare up at the sky. after a few hours, i start to fix Elizabeth's hair. "My my, butler. what in the world brings you here?" i say as i finish Elizabeth's hair and keep my focus on her. there is no reply. i smile. "now, i know youre here so there's no point in still hiding." i say. i turn around and see him standing at the front of whats left of the building. his hair blows in the light breeze. "did your master order you to investigate this once beautiful demon island that is now almost like a wasteland?" i ask as i take a couple steps toward him. "Actually, i am here on my own business. i got time away from my master and decided to check this place out." Sebastian says. "Now, what are you doing here with Lady Elizabeth and how did you know about this place?" he asks. i smile and walk closer. "how do i know about this place? what do you think, butler?" i ask and i flick my long black cat tail from behind me and it sways next to me in Sebastian's view. he makes that surprised sound and his eyes open wide. i give a devilish smile to Sebastian. "Well...thats not fair. why did i not know this? youre a demon? a CAT demon?!" the tall butler in black says, still in shock and staring at my tail that is swaying beside me. "to answer your other question, Elizabeth somehow knew Ciel had to still be alive, so she ordered me to fulfill the contract between the two of us." i say. "you took her soul?" Sebastian asks. "no. our contract was different. when i say fulfill, i mean that the end result would be me turning her to a demon. i will serve her forever." i say. he nods in understanding. "well this is something i never counted on happening. you know, i adore cats. now, here in front of me, is a pretty little devilish kitten. a cat demon. this is....interesting" Sebastian says with a smirk and leans closer to me. he puts his hand under my chin and tilts my head up to face his. i smile and so does the butler. with his other hand, he reaches out and starts playing with my tail as he keeps staring into my eyes. he smirks at me and leans closer. "youre right. this is very interesting." i say, leaning my face into his. he smiles. "cats love feasting on the prey that can fly. a crow in this case. indeed. very interesting, dear butler." i say and i escape his hold. i begin walking back to Elizabeth, when Sebastian grabs my wrist and gently turns me back to face him. "i think i should inform you that my young master is starting to have regrets for leaving Lady Elizabeth." Sebastian whispers in my ear as he starts playing with my cat tail again. "which is exactly why my lady and i are going to go on a search for you two." i whisper back. "My orders are to not let my master know where Lady Elizabeth may be or anything. he wants to figure it all out on his own." he whispers, letting his warm breath fan my ear. "and mine are the same." i say. he gives a devilish smile. "so there you have it. there is no order for the two of us to continue meeting." the butler whispers slowly. "yes, youre very right." i whisper back. in less than a blink of an eye, i am out of his hold and i start to head back to Elizabeth. "now, if you'll excuse me, i must be going back to my lady. Adieu, butler." i say, looking over my shoulder then back in front of me. i look back again. "dont underestimate the speed, skill, and cleverness of a cat, dear butler Sebastian." i say. i pick up Elizabeth who is slowly beginning to wake up and give my tail one last flick to Sebastian, who i know is staring, and take off.

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