Watching & waiting

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names blade dont fuck with me or I'll fuck u up k good anyway here we are a nice Thursday  but I can't really see all I can see is the sun as it shined through the small cell window no glass just bars 

Suddenly her box like room was filled with noise as the door was pulled open the guard grabs her arm making sure both cuffs on her ankles and wrists then leading her towards the cafeteria where she went everyday as the door opens she's pushed in as the door slams shut 

She glances around to see everyone staring at her "the fuck you looking at"she says loudly making everyone but a group at the back look back at what they were doing  the group must be new 

There was 10 taking most space 3 girls 7guys 

one had bright green hair

 another had scales 

one was an ordinary woman

 another had blonde piggy tails with blue and pink 

 another had skeleton tattoos on his face

 another male with a red eyes patch thing on  

another male had ropes and string on his Body   

and the other lady had a white mask on with an red circle in the middle of her forehead 

Another fella had a boomerang in his hand and was playing with it

Another fella had an army vest on and looked like a serious asshole

That was all who sat at the table they kept trying to play off that they had stared at me I walk past the  tables to the back the second one from the back I sit down and take my hood off my head to my purple and blue hair I also take off my hoodie to get some cold air to my body 

But that also showed my scars and tattoos full sleeves I got them when I was 14 it hurt a lot but I got used to it quick

 the the girl I used to date walked over to me and sits down she on ice "did you bring me some crystals"she says lowly I nod and take the small bag of ice crystals and a fresh needle and slide it along the table top 

She smirks then kisses my tan cheek before running away again I roll my purple eyes and go back to staring at the wall till A guy named nick sits on the other side of the table he's an ass hole and is annoying 

I growl at him"what's up your ass"he says with an annoying smirk making me jump forward before he can move grab his orange shirt collar and slam his face into the table before ripping my knife out my pocket and stabbing his Coller pinning him to the table 

I lean closer to his face and chuckle crazily before going serious in the matter of seconds before I mutter darkly  "fuck off before i take u back to my cell and skin you ALIVE"I say ripping my knife from the table causing him to fall back wards 

My smirk widened as I watch him stand and scurrie back to his friends I get up and walk up to one of the guard "I'm finished here can I go to the music room"I say nicely he nods and takes me by the cuffs as he leads me to the music room

I am left there as the door closes I walk up to an electric guitar and site on the bared window seal I start to play the guitar beat from rebel love song by black veil brides all of a sudden the door comes open and the people that were in the cafateria they sit down and start talking to each other while looking at me 

I get up and put my guitar down and pick up a violin and walk back over to the window seal my cold hand grabs the bars as the other on holds the violin a sigh escapes my lips I'll never be outside again 

I start playing the beat of heathens by twenty one pilots with the violin I start to sing the song in a creepy yet beautiful voice before setting the violin down and grabbing an normal guitar and sit in my spot I start to sing big girls don't cry by Fergie when I finish a tear makes its way down my cheek 

I wipe it away just as the piggy tails girl walks up to me "hi puddin names Harley Quinn "she says cheefully I raise an eye brow "blade"I say bluntly rolling my eyes "your really good ya know"she says "been told"I say "listen Harley that's your name yeah what do u want ice coke what because you'll have to wait until tomoz I'm out today"I say "none of that puddin me and my friends(points to them)just want to talk"she says polietly 

"Listen toots this is the most I've talked since I got here just be lucky I'm talking to you got it"I snap standing up just as the guard comes in "blade it play time"he says I smirk "electric shock therapy or fire therapy"I say looking at him "electric" he says my smirk widens "my favourite"I say walking to him

I turn around "bye toots"I say to Harley she was just staring I turn back around and walk to nemo he cuffs me again since I got my cuffs taken of so I can play only my ankle cuffs stayed we walk through the halls to the torture rooms I can see Kenzi she my doctor for my mental health

"Hello miss blade how are u today"the guard drops me there and leaves I smile at kenzi "are we alone"I say in a husky voice I look towards her weird mirror it was long like an interagation one we were in her office that's weird but didn't think anything of it little did I know who was on the other side

"Yep just me and you"her British accent was so fucking hot I growl and taker in my arms my lips on hers one hand in her hair the other on her hip 

I pull back a second "so princess what are we doing today guard says shock"I say huskily she nods and tells me to lay down on the table after she locks the door she chains me to the table then presses the button so I'm like hanging from it 

Kenzi starts to connect the things onto my chest stomach and one each on my legs "ready" she says sweetly making me smile a real crazy smile "course baby shock away"I say she goes all the way to 8 while I pant as pleasure and pain course through my body

"That's enough for today blade"she says before letting me go from the table and puting everything back to normal I collapse into my chair taking a deep breathe "thanks for today sweetie "I say kissing her lips and walking to the door "anytime bye babe"I unlock the door to see the guard "let's go blade"he says dragging me back to my cell

The door closes behind me as I lay on my bed back staring at the sun that now setting "another day bites the dust"I say before falling into  nightmare

@&$@&$hay guys I'm going to be focusing on this one right now okay hope u like it

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