Chapter 3

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Harry's free hand reached for the brass door handle. When the door opened, it exposed, "them," which were the people that I clarified as popular. The people on the very top of the pyramid, the football players. Spencer Carlz, Jacob Doug and Steven Price were standing on my doorstep.

"You know these guys?" Harry asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Sadly. What do you guys want?" I ask them

"We want to have some fun. It has come to my attention that your party is boring. Well turning boring parties into, 'parties,' is just what I do," Steven said.

"Don't be a jerk," Harry said with a harsh tone.

Harry let go of my hand and quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Woah man, no harm done. We just want to come inside and have a good time," Spencer backed up his friend.

Harry looked down at me for my approval. I nodded my head, half wishing I hadn't. Harry waved his arm in front of them, gesturing for them to come inside. All three of them walked together in a pack all the way down the stairs.

"You really are too nice," Harry says to me while he closes the door.

I just smirk and continue down the stairs with him. As the jerks in front of us arrived into the basement, Lila and Victoria whistled suggestively.

"I can't believe them," I say under my breath.

Harry squeezed my hand gently to calm me down. I hadn't even realized his hand was intertwined with mine until then.

"What do you say about a little truth or dare?" Victoria asked without wanting an answer.

"I don't think that's a good idea. My mom says I should always tell the truth," David replied.

I glance up at Harry to see his dimples deep in the dim lighting of the basement. Harry then looked down at me with his glistening emerald eyes. I break our stare.

"That boy is something else," Harry whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, but that's why I like him so much," I whisper back.

Before I know it, everyone is sitting in a circle, except for David who is waiting for me to join him.

"I don't want to play that game with the people I don't know," David tells me.

"That's okay David, I'm not playing either. It's not a nice game," I reply softly.

"We aren't playing with you guys," David announced confidently.

"Whatever, we don't like losers anyways," muttered Lila.

"What did you say to him." I say through gritted teeth.

"I said, we don't like losers anyways," she repeatedly sarcastically.

"You mess with David, you mess with me. Leave."

"What did you say to me?"

"I said, leave. Do you want me to repeat it again?" I say with anger clear in my voice.

"Fine. I only live around the corner anyways. Come on Victoria." Lila demanded.

"No," Victoria replied.

"Whatever losers," Lila said as she walked up the stairs.

"Now for some real fun. You playing?" Jacob asked glancing at Harry.

"Naw man, that's okay. I think I'm going to sit this one out."

"It's okay Harry, go ahead," I smile at him.

"One round I guess," Harry says.

"Thanks for sticking up for me Anna," David said turning to me.

"No problem David," I return.

I watch the game unfold as Harry sits next to Jacob. Harry is waiting patiently for someone to start. I sit behind him with my head on his shoulder looking in on the game. He notices how close I am and takes his chance. Harry turns his head and kisses me on the cheek, making my smile grow.

"I'll go first," Victoria announced.

I had a bad feeling about this.

"Harry. Truth or dare?"

"Ummm. I don't know. I've never played before."

Jacob being the rude guy he is whispers, "Say dare," in Harry's ear.

"Dare," Harry says confidently.

"I dare you to kiss me," Victoria requests.

"No. I can't do that. I really love someone and I don't want to do that to them."

"You have to," Victoria persistently says.

Harry shakes his head, not willing to kiss her. Before he knows it's Victoria is leaning in on him, forcing a kiss onto him.

I feel something hot on my face. Tears. I'm crying over this...this... I can't even say it. Harry pushed her off of him and she licks her lips. When Harry turns around expecting to see me I'm not there. I'm running into my dad's office covering my face.

"Annabelle wait," his raspy voice demands.

Harry jumps onto his feet and is chasing after me. I shut the door behind me and Harry pounds on the door.

"Annabelle open the door. Please. I love you."

A click is heard as I unlock the door. I open it for Harry. Before Harry walks into the room he turns around.

"I think it's time for all of you to leave. Mikayla and David I think it's safe to say that you guys can stay. Victoria and everyone else you really need to go. I don't think I've ever met more cruel people."

From what I could see, all of them walked upstairs and then I heard the front door open and close.

Harry walked towards me and pulled my hands down from my face. He then kissed me and told me that I was the only one he ever wanted to kiss. I looked up at him and pulled him into a hug.

That was the moment that I realized what love felt like. But my love was ripped from me far too soon.

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