Chapter 2:

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Hey guys cx I'm writing this thingy..... Yeeeea XD thnx for all the reads guys! Keep them coming cx lol READ ON PARTY PEOPLE!


----------- Vic's P.O.V. -----------

I sighed. I love the rain but sometimes it could be a pain in the butt. Two more days and it's my birthday. Woo-freaking-hoo! Apparently, Mike is taking the day off. It already sucks that he lives with me, but to have him around all day? My brother's a pain in the butt. I looked at my phone. 7:34 p.m. It's already dark too. Stupid daylight savings.

I plugged in my headphones and turned up the volume. Thank cheese balls I have music. I turned the corner and shut my eyes as I bumped into something, making me drop my umbrella. I stumbled back a bit but caught whatever bumped into me. I opened my eyes to see this adorable kid with big blue eyes. I almost smiled but noticed his eyes were red and puffy. He was shaking and wet. His eyes started rolling back. Somehow, I thought of me. When I was younger. "Darling, you'll be okay..." I told him. As soon as I said that he closed his eyes and lost consciousness. I can't just leave him here. I took off his back pack and put it on me. I picked him up bridal style and started walking towards my apartment. Good thing he isn't heavy.

--------Jonathan's P.O.V.--------

I rolled over and yawned. I curled into a ball and buried my face into the pillow. Wait. I opened my eyes and sat up. Holy fuzz...where am I?! I took off the blanket and looked at my clothes. These aren't mine!! I was wearing jeans and a shirt! Why am I wearing a footsie pajama?! I mean, I like it and all, but it's not mine. I quickly stood up but got very dizzy. I sat crisscrossed on the floor and tried remembering what happened. Oh yeah... my parents found out I was gay. This sucks! I broke down into tears on the floor. Dammit!

The front door opened and someone walked in. "Oh you're up. Sorry, I had to get my umbrella. I left it- why are you crying?" He whispered and rushed over to me. He tried pulling me into a hug but I backed away. Who is this dude?! "I know you don't know me and I know you probably won't tell me what's wrong, but I do know that you need a hug." He said gently. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. He smells good, like cherries. I buried my face into his chest and cried even more. He rested his chin on my head and rubbed my back. "It's okay." He whispered. I shook my head. No, it's not.

After a while I stopped crying and wiped my tears with the sleeve of the pajama. "I got your jacket wet.",I mumbled. He smiled, "It's alright." I then remembered my backpack, "Um, where's my back pack and my clothes?" He smiled, "Oh, you're clothes are in the dryer and your things are air drying on the table." I looked down, ""


"Can I use your restroom?"

He smiled, "Down that hallway, first door on the right."

"Thank you." I got up from the bed and went down the hallway. I opened the door and turned on the light. I used the restroom and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror. I have cuts on my face! Probably from the glass of the window. I looked at my arms and they had cuts and bruises. I poked one of them. "Ow." I said bluntly. I turned off the lights and walked to the small room.

I then smelled my favorite scent. Vanilla. I peeked into the kitchen to see two different people there. They were talking as they sipped Monster. Yes! They like Monster! But, why does it smell like vanilla? I looked at the table and saw a vanilla coffee from Stripes. Holy fuzz! "Need something?" I squeal and jump as a voice behind me whispered in my ear. I turn around to see the one who hugged me laughing. "C'mon." He says and walks into the kitchen. I walk in slowly and keep my head low. I cover my mouth with the edge of my sleeve. This is a force of habit that I have whenever I feel self conscious. I sit down next to the one I already know and the other two sit in front to us.

The one with big dimples spoke up, "Hey, what's up? I'm Jaime."

The one with a hat leaned in, "I'm Tony."

"Oh, and I'm Vic." Said the one next to me. I looked down. "What's your name?", said Jaime. "I'm Jonathan." I said quietly. "Well Jonathan, you look pretty adorable in my pajama.", chuckled Tony. "Oh yeah, sorry about that. I couldn't find anything else that fit him.", said Vic. I looked up at the coffee. Man it looks so good. "You want it?", Jaime offered and pushed it towards me. I nodded my head and grabbed it, "Thank you."

I took a big sip of it which resulted in me burning my tongue. I quickly got up and went to the freezer. I searched for ice while the others laughed. "Don't laugh it's hurts!" I said which made Tony choke on his Monster. I finally found the ice and stuck it on my tongue. "Better." I left it on there a bit then tried pulling it off. They had already stopped laughing. "Um, guys?" I said slowly. "What?" Tony said. "The ice cube got stuck on my tongue.." I turned around. They busted out laughing again but got up. They came towards me and tried pulling it off. "Just run it on some warm water!" Jaime yelled. Everyone stopped and said, "Oooh." I went to the sink and turned it on. I put my tongue under it and watched as the ice dissolved.

Once the ice had melted I sat back down. These guys aren't as bad as I thought, they're actually pretty funny. I went to sip the coffee. "Don't burn yourself." Vic said smiling. I chuckled and drank some. "So, why are you here? I'm not asking in a bad way or anything.", asked Tony. I smiled but then remembered. "I bumped into him on the street and then he fainted on me. It wasn't like I was just gonna leave him on the street.", Vic said, "But you still haven't told me why you were crying and wet."

I looked down, "My... my parents kicked me out."

"And what about the cuts and bruises on your arms and face?"

"I um... crashed my car into a tree.." They all gasped. I looked up.

"Why'd your parents kick you out?", Jaime asked carefully.

I gripped the sides of the chair and looked down. Tears stung at my eyes as I shut them tight. Don't cry, Jonathan. Don't cry!

Next thing I knew I was being hugged tightly. I opened my eyes to see Vic, Jaime, and Tony hugging me. Is this what it feels like? To be cared about? They don't even know me but they're hugging me like they've known me forever. I smiled through tears, this is true caring.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What? What'd you say? Oh that your jealous of my PeaceTea? Oh, it's otay I can share cx xD lol so what'd you think? I was kinda running outta time to do nothing so I had to write this quick cx srry but please, keep reading and please vote baby's cx

Pic on the side is Vic and Mike!

(P.s. Vic is on the left, Mike is on the right c: )

Too much fetus XD

Luv u guys cx


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