Gummy Bears and Batman Movies for 2

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I feel someone shake me repeatedly and wouldn't stopped. I groaned and opened my eyes to be faced with a grinning Eleanor. I flipped over in the car seat and sighed, trying to sleep again.

" Hannah get out of my car and sleep on the couch!" Eleanor yelled. I made no comment.

" Fine. If you don't get your butt out of my car then I will text Andy saying they can't come over!"  She said in a singing voice. I opened my eyes quickly and ran as fast as I could into the house. Eleanor walk in slowly and smirks.

"Now I know what works to get you up and ready!" She evil laughs and plops down on the couch next too Olivia.

"Don't give the girl heart attack every second of the day Ellie the poor thing will die without Andy!" Olivia laughed. I roll my eyes playfully and sit down on the couch were no one is sitting. Then I felt my phone go off. I take it out of my back pocket and open my messages.

' We just got to the hotel we will be over in 10 :)' Andy bear

"Great! See you soon :)' I replied back. I totally forgot that Black Veil Brides were coming over to hang out with us! I started to panic and everyone looks up at me.

" Do I look fine? Is my hair okay? Is there anything in my teeth? Do I need makeup?" I ramble more questions but Eleanor comes up to me and slaps my mouth shut.

"You are perfectly fine, Hannah. He should like you for who you are and not for what you are not." Eleanor said calmly and smiled slightly. I relax my shoulder and nod my head. She sits back down and every minute that passed by felt like hours. I couldn't wait for BVB to get here. Then the doorbell rang and I shot up from my seat and brushed my hair back from my face. I quickly walked to the door and put on a smile, taking a deep breath then opened the door too see Andy in front, Ashley on his right, CC on his left and, Jinxx and Jake were behind them. All of them smiling at me and Jinxx waved frantically.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming over" I smile slightly and blush a little.

"It's no problem at all. We all got to hear about how 'Oh my god we are going to hang out with Hannah tonight' from Andy the whole time" CC said smirking and Andy blushed and smacked the back of CC's head.

"Awww how cute! You guys can come in." I stepped back and walked into the living room were Olivia, Eleanor and Payton were sitting but no Zach.

"Hey where did Zach go?" I asked and turned my head curiously.

"He said he had to go and babysit his little sister tonight since his parents aren't home." Olivia said and smiled. I nodded and sat down on the empty couch and rested my feet on the table. Andy comes and sits right beside me and Ashley sits by Olivia then CC sits by Payton. I look over at Eleanor who looked a little sad. All of a sudden someone runs through the door and into the room we are in.

"THE ONE AND ONLY KELLIN QUINN HAS ARRIVED TO THE PARTY!!" He shouted and sits next to Eleanor who has never looked this happy in her life. I chuckle and lean back into the couch and wrap my arms around myself. Andy stands up quickly and smiles big.

"I forgot something in the car, I'll Be right back!" He jogs out of the house and I look at the door confused. After 2 minutes he comes back in with a sack from the store.

"I brought all of you something since you let us come over here and hang out!" He smiles big and hands me the hugest Hershey Milk Chocolate bar EVER. He hands Olivia milk Duds, Payton some Reeses, and gives Eleanor Gummy Bears. Oh dear lord he just made the worst decision ever in his life. Eleanor just super hyper when she is given Gummy Bears... or any candy in general. She quickly takes them out of his hands and rips the bag open and takes a hand full in her hand and crams them into her mouth.

"This is why we do not give her candy at all." I say and she jumps up and starts running around the house giggling the whole way around. I get up and start to go after her when Kellin jumps up and runs after her himself.. I can totally see them as a couple. Match maker time!  I face plant into the couch and sigh.

"You okay Hannah?" Andy says and puts a hand on my back.

"Perfectly fine!" I say bringing my head up, He smiles and nods his head.

"Does anyone want to watch Batman movies?" Andy asks and everyone groans and says no, while I scream yes. Andy looks back at me and smiles. I thought of an idea but it may be too risky, hell who cares I'm going for it!

"Well since only you and me want to watch it we can go into my room and watch Batman movies..." I trail  off at the end incase he thought it was a stupid idea.

"I like that idea a lot. I'm all for it." He says and smiles big. I stand up and all my friends wink and wiggle theirs eyebrows at me and I blush and lead Andy too my room and take out all of the Batman movie that I own. Andy sits on my bed and sits patiently as I put in 'The Dark Night Rises'. I sit next too Andy and he puts his arm around me and I blush. We sat in silence, not awkward silence. We were both away into the movie to bother each other. After 3 more Batman movies I finally fell asleep on Andy's shoulder, but not without him softly kissing my forehead and saying,

"Good night my fallen Angel"



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