22 2 1

It was another ordinary morning. Bucketing rain, with dark clouds and the constant sound of dogs barking. Living in Ireland was not easy if you are talking about the weather. When it rains an average of three hundred days in the year.

It has been three weeks since Modest! had planted a big bombshell on the table. Dating a client of theirs. My first intention was hell no. Living behind someone else's shadow for a period of time? Not having real love for that person. What if they hated me? What if I despised them? Endless cons exploded into my head, one after another.

But then a second perspective kicked in. This could really kick off my music career. It was definitely the jump I needed to do well in this kind of industry. And I could even get along with the guy? What was the worst that could happen?

So I agreed. I signed the papers. There was no time frame of how long we would "date". Which I guess was a good thing, at the time. Reading along the fine print was tough but I'm glad I did. The contract was pretty basic, which surprised me. Usually there are twists and turns somewhere along the line, but all I have to do really, is be seen in the public eye and nothing more, which is quite straight forward.

Leaving home was going to be tough, but also a relief. I wouldn't miss the weather, that's one thing! But this is the first time I have been away from mom since, forever. She has always played a big role in my life from when I was a baby to now. She is such a strong, beautiful women. Something I hope to be someday.

"You got everything? Toothbrush, underwear.." she asks, finalising the last few bits for my suitcase.

I nod, putting that stroke of hair behind my ear, picking up a picture of the two of us and my older brother when we were young. I feel this big lump in my throat and I know things are about to get real. I am moving out to America to be the girlfriend of a recently, problematic celebrity. Goals.

She didn't necessarily agree with what I am doing, which is understandable. I don't even know if I agree myself, and I can tell by her actions that she doesn't want me doing it.

"You do know you can have a boyfriend here and a music career?" She whispers. "The man who owns the pub down the road has expressed some interest in your music and is offering you a permanent job every Friday and Saturday night to perform live music!" she excitedly squeals. "And boys have been falling at your feet since you were two Sarah".

"Firstly mom, boys have been running away from me since I was two." I laugh. "But more importantly, you know that's not what I want to do. I don't want to be playing traditional Irish music for drunk men who only slur half of the lyrics?" "I want to make my own music, for a crowd that relates to my sound and help them".

Lowering her head to the ground, she says, " I know honey. It was worth the shot" she smiles, placing her hand on my cheek. We hug it out for a few minutes before zipping up my suitcase closed and we start to walk down the stairs.

Realising the time and nearly loosing my shit, I prepare to leave what I have know my whole life, as my plane leaves in four hours, the train ride to the airport lasting two hours. I say goodbye to my siblings, James, my older brother, who is twenty three, and Ciara, my younger sister who recently turned ten. I left mom till last to say goodbye as I know it'll be the hardest. Things haven't been the best for us over the past few years, but I'm glad that she is happy now, and it's my turn to find my own happiness. I will miss my family, a lot.

After the tears and the awkward laughs, I leave my house and head to the train station. Putting my headphones in and listening to James Blunt. Mostly, his music is not at all my style, but his album All the Lost Souls, is by far, one of the greatest albums I have ever listened to.

I was shaken by the sudden stop of the train that I hit my head against the seat in front of me.

"Ow" I whinge, rubbing my head. I hear laughter beside me and tilt my head to my left to see who was enjoying my pain.

A girl with short bubblegum pink hair was giggling at me. She was around my age, eighteen, and was quite small and petite. Her hair has intrigued me. Never had I the confidence to do something as bold as that, because on my dark brown hair. Her eyes were a striking green and she had freckles going across her nose. She looked so cool, I was almost afraid to talk to her.

"Are you ok?" she laughed again, covering her mouth, trying to contain her laughter.

I just smile and nod my head. I had a thumping headache after the bang but I didn't want to complain.

"I'm Jordan". She reached out her hand to mine as a gesture to shake it. I do so and tell her my name.

"Sarah" I smile. "I don't want to be nosy, but I'm guessing your not from here because of you accent".

"Damn right you are!" she giggles. "I'm from New York. I'm just visiting my mom because she lives here. I come here every summer actually".

That must be hard. For your mother to live thousands of miles away from you. And then I realised that I was about to be in the same position as her, and I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

We talked for ages. Jordan is such a nice, bubbly girl. She likes to listen to similar music as me, but with a but more K-Pop thrown in. She wants to become a Broadway star and is applying to NYADA and hopefully will be attending there next year. I tell her about my situation, leaving out the part about the "dating" thing.

"Oh that is so exciting!" she squeals. "You would definitely make it alone with your look. Anyone would kill to have your blue eyes and your tall frame".

I blush at the thought of anyone wanting to look like me. I'm not the best person for having confidence in my looks.

Time passes by quickly and before we know it, we must part our ways. I make my way to the airport and she heads home to her mother. We exchanged contacts so we could keep in touch, and I would most definitely, love to see her again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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