Christmas part 3

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Percy's pov

I was the first to wake up the next morning . I rolled over, yawning and look at my alarm clock . It read 7:49 am."ANNABETH WAKE UP, IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I shouted,waking my still sleeping girlfriend up. "Ugh what time is it?" she grumbled. "It's almost 8" I told her. After I'd persuaded her to get up, we went into the spare room to wake Piper,Jason,Will and Nico up. The both of us went into the sitting room after waking them up, and woke the others up. It took about 20 minutes to get everyone awake and up . "So ,do ye wanna exchange presents now ,or later?" asked Piper, yawning. "Ah , now?" suggested Nico. We all agreed and ran to the places where we hid our presents for others. Moments later , we were all sitting by the Christmas tree (which my Mom and Paul had already put up before we got here) . "So who wants to go first?" said Jason. "How about we start with Frank and work our way around?" suggested Annabeth to which we all agreed. Frank stood up and handed us all our presents . "HOLY HERA!" exclaimed Piper. "Thank you sooo much!" said Piper , showing us what Frank had got her which was a black t-shirt that said "Bitch I'm fabulous " on it . Frank had gotten me a new panda pillow pet. We went on like this for awhile until we'd given and received all of our presents. I got a blue dolphin mug from Piper, a mini Poisedon statue and a fish teddy from Nico, a fake trident from Jason, a t-shirt that had a picture of Sebastian from the little mermaid on it with a caption that said "under the sea" on it from Hazel ( confession, I've never seen the little mermaid) ,

a little potted cactus from Calypso, a pair of finding nemo themed pj's from Will, a fact book about fish from Leo and Annabeth had gotten me a scrapbook of us that she had made from pictures of us . "Thanks so much guys!" I said . 

Frank's pov 

I had gotten some pretty cool presents from my friends and Hazel. I got a new bow and arrow, some t-shirts , a box set of my favourite tv show , a couple of movies and the last present I had was a giant teddy bear from Hazel (because she said I'm her bear) I thanked all of  my friends for the presents and gave Hazel a quick peck on the lips for her present. 

Piper's pov 

From everyone I had received fantastic presents . I had the shirt from Frank, some pj's ,a couple of other t-shirts including one that had " beauty queens " on it from Leo, a bunch of different movies, a pair of really nice converse and Jason had gotten me a heart shaped necklace with Piper engraved on it. 

Nico's pov

"Thanks guys" I said to all my friends and , of course, my boyfriend Will. I had a load of cd's from bands I like , some black t-shirts , a t-shirt that had tiny skulls all over it, a book series I really wanted to read , a  black jumper that said "This is as dark as my soul " on it and Will had gotten me a promise ring ( "Nico" he had said , "Will you promise to stay with me for the rest of our lives he said " "HOLY HADES WILL, YESS!" I'd exclaimed throwing my arms around him.) 

Annabeth's pov

I was giving a load of books about ancient Greece and Rome. architecture , art and sculpture and some book series that sounded really interesting .  Percy had gotten me a picture of us from new years last year kissing as the clock struck midnight with "Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl, together forever" engraved around the frame.

Jason's pov

I thanked all my friends and girlfriend for my gifts which were a fake lightning bolt  and Zeus themed socks from Nico , a bunch of other Zues themed jokes , movies and from Piper I got a watch that had a lightning bolt as the second hand.

Will's pov

From all my friends I'd received great gifts . I'd gotten some medical books , boxsets of Grey's Anatomy ( It's a guilty pleasure ) and Supernatural (also one of my faves ) and from Nico i got an amazing yellow guitar with the words "you are my sunshine" engraved on the pick. "Thanks Neeks" I'd said leaning over to give him a kiss. 

Calypso's pov

I'd gotten a ton of lovely presents from my friends ,which were a load of sewing and crafts supplies , a beautiful flower bracelet from Will and Nico, loads of potted plants and Leo had given me the first photo we'd taken together in a beautiful white frame with dasies going all around the border. After we'd all thanked eachother we went to give Sally and Paul their presents . "Mom! Come here!" yelled Percy. "OK, I'm coming "she said as she entered the room. "We want to give you and Paul you're presents" said Percy . "Paul! Come here for a sec!" shouted Sally. Paul arrived in moments later . We then all handed them our presents and they proceeded to open them. 

Sally's pov

From Nico and Will we'd been giving a set of candle holders. "Aww , thanks boys" I said walking over to them and placing a kiss on each of their cheeks. Jason and Piper had gotten us a floral tablecloth . I thanked them too and placed a kiss on their cheeks . From Hazel and Frank we'd got a vase . I placed a kiss on their cheeks and thanked them. Leo and Calypso had gotten us a giant cutlery set with different knives, spoons, forks and a cake trowel . I proceeded to kiss their cheeks and thank them too. Percy and Annabeth had gotten us a huge collage picture frame . I kissed them as well and thanked them. "Well will I start preparing Christmas dinner?"I asked them ."Sure" They all agreed, and I walked into the kitchen with Paul and began preparing the dinner.

~Later on~

"Guys" Dinners ready!" I shouted having set the table and laid all the dishes of food out .They all came in and sat at the table . "It looks great Sally!"said Nico. We began eating and talking about random things. About 45 minutes later we'd all finished eating and sat in the sitting room watching Christmas films. 

3rd person's pov

It had been a good Christmas break and everyone had a great time . On January 3rd , the ten  of them all returned to camp 

So that was just meant to be a oneshot but its a three shot now I guess. The next one shots will be up soon hopefully . Also thank ye so much for 100 reads! <3 byeeee, love Ava

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