Christmas at Sally and Paul's Part 1

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It was December 22nd and the seven plus Calypso, Nico and Will were packing ,as they were going to Sally and Paul's place for Christmas . Percy was in the Poisedon cabin putting all his clothes in his suitcase .His mind was currently filled with many thoughts at the moment . He was really looking forward to seeing his mom and Paul again , and he couldn't wait for his friends to meet his mom. When he'd Iris messaged his mom ,she was ecstatic to discover that Percy and his friends were staying with her for Christmas . He heard a knock on his cabin door and in walked his girlfriend , Annabeth Chase  . "Hey Seaweed Brain" said Annabeth and walked over to place a quick kiss on his lips . "Hey Wise Girl, have you finished packing yet?" he asked. "I've been finished packing with the past four hours" she said with a grin .Sally had ,obviously already met Annabeth and the two were as thick as thieves . "I should've known" smiled Percy . "Would you mind helping me with my packing?" Percy pleaded doing his best puppy dog eyes ."Fine" Annabeth said ,laughing at how cute her boyfriend was , and with that the pair resumed packing Percy's belongings . 1 hour later all 9 demigods were standing just outside the borders of the camp . "Alright , I'll shadow travel us to Sally's" volunteered Nico ."Wait , you might over exhaust yourself again ,neeks" Will said worriedly looking at his boyfriend."I'll be fine ,Will ,I've shadow traveled way further than the distance between here and Sally's" Nico said reassuringly patting Will's arm . "But you're still -" Will tried to put in but he was cut off by Jason . "I'm sure Nico will be fine ,it's not that long of a distance" Jason pointed out . They all agreed on this , and set off to Sally's. Sally welcomed them all in and introduced herself to the others besides Percy and Annabeth ,who both obviously knew her . After everyone had introduced themselves to Sally and Paul and vice versa Sally ushered them into the kitchen where she had a plate of freshly baked blue Christmas cookies baked . The demigods  grabbed the cookies and headed into Percy's room to make plans for tomorrow . Will and Nico still had Christmas shopping to do ,so they decided to head off to the shopping center and Jason,Piper, Frank and Hazel wanted to see a movie that was on in the Cinema ,Annabeth and Calypso wanted to head off to the art gallery to look at the Greek sculptures and Percy and Leo wanted to try out the new pizza parlour that opened in the shopping center. They all decided to head off to bed since they were all tired from traveling and it was getting pretty late . Percy and Annabeth would sleep in Percy's bed , Nico, Will, Jason and Piper would sleep in the spare room since it had 2 double beds in there and Hazel,Frank Leo and Calypso would sleep in sleeping bags on the sitting room floor . They all headed off to bed and quickly fell asleep.

Piper's pov

I was the first to wake up the next morning ,which was unusual since I'm nearly always the last to wake up. "Wake up guys , we need to get ready!" I yelled . Jason nearly fell out of bed because I yelled so loud . Will was already up and gathering clean clothes to wear ,but Nico was still fast asleep ."For a son of Hades ,he really does sleep like the dead " I said to Jason . Jason got out of bed and walked over to Will and Nico's bed . "NEEKS ,WAKE UP" He screamed . Nico shot up in the bed ,a terrified expression on his face . "JASON" shouted Nico. " Did you really have to scream?" said Nico. Jason was sitting on the ground in hysterics. "The look on your face" Jason said weakly . Will walked back into the room. "Well ,I've woken the others up" He said .  We all got dressed and ate a quick breakfast and set off .  

Nico's pov 

Will and I set off  to the shopping center in the middle of the city. We needed to buy presents for Frank,Leo,Jason,Percy and Annabeth still and of course ,Sally and Paul since they'd been kind enough to let us all stay with her. First we headed off to the book shop so we could buy books for Annabeth. Luckily we found a huge section of architecture books . I bought her a huge book about the statues of ancient Rome and Will got her a book about the modern buildings in America. Then we went into a target and I managed to find a mini statue of Poisedon and a fish teddy for Percy, a toy lightning bolt and pair of Zeus themed socks for Jason, a t-shirt for Leo that said "I'm hotter than the sun" on it with a picture of a cartoon sun wearing sun glasses under the caption, A Teddy bear for frank and then I went off by myself to buy Will's present . I walked into a music shop and looked around for a guitar . I saw a yellow one at the back of the shop that was just perfect ,and you could also get the guitar pick engraved . I walked up to the counter to pay and I got : "TO MY ONLY SUNSHINE"engraved on the pick. I met Will at the food court so we could get something to eat. After our food we walked back to Sally and Paul's .

Annabeth's pov

Calypso and I had wandered around the art gallery for about 2 hours looking at all the ancient art and had just paused to look at a sculpture of Venus. "This is probably one of my favourite sculptures so far" said Calypso. "I agree , though the painting of Hades in Tartarus is also a close second" I said. We wandered around the gallery for about another hour or so and then we decided to head back to Sally and Paul's . When we arrived back , everyone was already there so we decided to watch a movie together . "Let's watch mean girls" said Will. "No we should definitely watch the little mermaid" argued Percy. "Bro , we should all watch a scary movie" voted Jason. We continued on like this for awhile until we were down to 2 suggestions : Mean Girls or The Fault in our Stars. "OK ,lets all take a vote" said Hazel. "Hands up for Mean Girls?" 4 people put up there hands and the were Will,Frank, Jason and Leo. " OK, The Fault in our Stars it is!" said Frank ,slotting the disc into the DVD player.

Nico's pov 

Just as the movie was starting , I felt Will wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him. I snuggles in to him and rested my head on his shoulder. Then the movie properly began. " hours later we were all in tears .(A/N spoiler for the fault in our stars up ahead) "W-why di-d they have to k-ill Augustus" sobbed Jason, clinging on to Percy,who was also sobbing. "That was so sad!" said Hazel ,crying into Franks shirt. Annabeth and Piper were hugging each other , tears streaming down both their faces. I was in tears myself, and found myself crying onto Will's shoulder. Will was also sobbing loudly .After about another 10 minutes of crying ,we all decided to go to bed since it was 1 in the morning. The next day we all planned on making Christmas cookies (BLUE Christmas cookies, because Percy has a weird obsession with blue food) and watching a load of Christmas films  

Part 2 will be up soon

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