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I've decided that I love waking up in this treehouse with my mate. Callie is still in my arms. Her warm breath hitting my neck every time she exhales. Our legs tangled together like vines.

I laid as still as I could so I wouldn't disturb Callie who was sleeping peacefully on my chest. She was mumbling in her sleep again with a small smile on her lips.

"Mmm Lux cute.." She mumbled. She must be dreaming of me. That thought brought a smile to my face.
I turned my body so I could face her I started slowly feathering her face with kisses. I kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and her nose. Her eyes fluttered open showing her beautiful blues.

"Good morning, baby" I whispered before I kissed her lips softly.
A tired smile made its way to her lips "good morning" she replied her voice deep and scratchy from sleep.

"Did you have good dreams?" I ask in a teasing tone. A light blush spreads across Callie's cheeks
"They were very good" she says sweetly.

I tucked a stray hair behind her ear leaving my hand to rest on her cheek. Her eyes closed and she leaned into my touch.

"You are even more beautiful in the morning." I stated. I couldn't take my eyes off of her I wanted to burn every freckle into my memory.
Her eyes opened in surprise and she smiled a thousand watt smile.

"You are too cute, Lux!" I laughed and wrapped my arms around her even tighter "so I've heard" she looked confused which made her even more adorable "You talk in your sleep Callie" she frowned and her brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"
She shook her head "Nothing, I just haven't talked in my sleep before. So why am I now?" I thought about it before I answered "Well, every night we've slept in the same bed you've talked in your sleep so maybe it's got something to do with me."

She thought it over and visibly relaxed and smiled she said
"it's part of the mate bond!
I can't believe I forgot about that!
It's rare for werewolves to have a different kind of mate, but when they do their mate ends up picking up some weird sleep habit. Sleep talking, sleep walking, lucid dreams, stuff like that. No one can figure out why, but it happens every single time."

"Hm weird! Now let's eat breakfast. We've got a long day of training ahead of us! I said as I jumped out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

"Training?! It's our first day of freedom and you wanna spend it training?" Callie screeched obviously not thrilled with my plans for the day.

"Callie you need to learn how to defend yourself! It would really put me at ease if you could hold your own. "And who said I couldn't?"
She asked in a challenging manner.
"No one, but I just want to make sure you're prepared. okay? I just want you safe." I said as I gave her my biggest pout. She rolled her eyes and made her way over to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist her chin on my shoulder.

"Fine, you're really luck you're cute, you know that?" She teased
"Yes! now come on the pancakes are ready!" We ate in silence just happy to be in each others company. After breakfast we got dressed and made our way to the training room.


I don't think lux knew what she was getting herself into when she asked to train me. Right now we're about to begin hand to hand combat. I've been trained in hand to hand combat, weapons, and magic since I was 5. This should be fun!

"Okay Callie to throw an effective punch you need to put you're whole body into it." Lux instructed.
I played along throwing a few weak punches into the punching bag. She showed me some more basic moves and gave me more instruction.

"Come on lux if we're gonna fight let's fight! I'm bored!" She looked at me tentatively, but agreed nonetheless. We both got our head gear and gloves on and made our way to the center of the room.

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