Chapter 4

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2000 miles away, a girl-no, a woman- sat in a buffet by herself. She looked out of the window, staring into space. Sighing, she sat back up and looked around the cafe for the 100th time. It was a small, cozy little place, probably able to seat only 10 or 15 people at a time. That would be a problem if anyone ever actually sat and ate there. Though the the cafe was famous all across town for their delicious empanadas and fried masa cakes, the unsightly wall color drove almost all customers out. There were only a few patrons who didn't mind looking at the booger colored wall, and even those people sat by the windows just in case.
Redirecting her gaze out the window, she slumped against it, waiting for her food to come. After a few more uninterrupted minutes of silence, the door flung open. The hurried patter of feet came nearer before a male sat down in front of her. Glancing at him, she took note of his light brown hair and big pale blue, almost grey, eyes. He was handsome, sure, but not her type. Then again, did she even have a type? "Is this seat taken?" He asked as he wheezed.
She shook her head. "Look, " he started, "I need help, real quick. Do you mind?"
Turning back to him with a small blush and wide eyes, she quietly stammered out a small, "u-umm."
He stared at her in confusion before realizing what he said. "No, n-not like th-that! God! No, umm...I told my friend I had a date here tonight. I had to get out of doing something he asked me to do with him."
The girl rolled her eyes. Lying to your friend? Should you even call him that? After all, friends don't lie to each other. "Me and my friends are trying to set up a surprise party for him. Listen, can you please bear with me. Can you just smile and nod your head? You know, act like you're having a good time? I'll do anything, please!" He begged.
She smirked a bit at his pleads before rubbing her fingers across her thumb. "Money, that's it? Okay, 5? 10?" He asked while hastily pulling out his wallet.
"Double the latter and you got yourself a deal."
He quickly took out a crisp 20 before sliding it across the table. "So, your name?"
She nodded her head as a waitress came to her with her food in hand. She took a bite of her empanadas and swallowed it before answering, "It's Y/N, you?"
He grinned. "Well Y/N, I'm Lucas. So, how come I haven't seen you around town? I'm sure I would've noticed someone moving in."
Y/N looked up from her breakfast, pondering if she should tell him or not. "I live in the mountains with Mr. and Mrs. Garner. Well, I don't live with them. I came to visit them a little whiles back. They're my grandparents."
In reality, the elderly couple had never met her. Y/N needed a cover story if she would run about the town.
Lucas nodded, taking a look out of the window, spotting his friend. "Okay, he's here. If this goes right, he'll just walk by."
     Throwing on a smile, Y/N nodding her head as the male passed the window, stopping only to give Lucas two thumbs up, then resumed walking.
     Sighing in relief, Lucas stood up. "Well Y/N, nice to meet you. Maybe we should hang out one day." He said as he scribbled his number on a napkin.
     Y/N nodded, grinning like a mad man. It wasn't a normal, easy going grin. No, it was a malicious one, though the boy didn't seem to notice. He just waved goodbye as he walked out.
     Pulling out the laptop in her bag, she set it on the table and turned it on. Connecting to wifi, she quickly checked her emails. There was one reply from her...associate, thanking her for the package. No, she wasn't a drug dealer. She was simply able to grow illegal plants that a certain company used for experiments. She had to get money somehow!
      Replying , she quickly turned off the wifi before logging out of her computer. She closed it and put it away and asked for a to-go-container.
      On her way out, she saw Lucas down the road. Hearing the bell, he turned around before waving and grinning. As Y/N continued to walk, she felt a strange urge to walk the long way home. Quickly turning down that road, she walked on the sidewalk. Looking around, she noticed it was getting dark, not the best time to walk alone on a deserted street. But if it came to it, she would be able to defend herself.
     Hearing a strange noise, she looked over at an alley across the street. Quickly crossing over, she saw a girl being held down by two men. Strangled cries escaped her throat as she pleaded in rapid-fire Portuguese. Calmly walking down the alley, she stopped about 15 feet away from the group. The cornered girl shook her head. "Can you please let her go. I'm not sure what you're doing, but don't you know that's not how you treat a girl?" She said, her voice full of authority.
     The two men snickered before one let go of the girl, the other holding her back. He walked up to the confident girl, smirking, "Or what? You gonna go get your big brother? No wait, I bet your gonna call the cops! Really, this is none of your business. You should leave before you get hurt, little girl." He taunted.
     Y/N smirked back before shooting back, "Likewise! You never know what a girl has up her sleeve!"
     Throwing himself at her, Y/N kicked him in the chest, sending him back a few feet back where he landed on his butt. Snarling, he stood back up and ran at her again, this time taking out a pocketknife. Stabbing at her, she quickly sidestepped it before punching the guy in the face and kicking the knife up into the air. The guy staggered up once again as Y/N caught the knife and pocketed it. "Really, fighting an unarmed girl with a knife? Wow, you really are a coward!" She sneered.
     He snarled before swinging a fist at her. She ducked under it before trying to deliver her blow only for him to jump back in time. Looking over at the girl, she realized the captor was running off with her. Even though Y/N was enjoying the fight, she kicked her opponent in the stomach, sending him flying into the wall, before running after the two.
     By the time she got to the other side of the alley, the pair were already at a van, the girl struggling in the male's arms. Rushing over to them, Y/N stopped cold in her tracks as the man pulled out a knife and held it up to his captive's throat. "Take another step closer, and the girl gets it. You're gonna walk away slowly with your hands up and forget this ever happened. Okay? It was all just a dream."
     Walking backwards, she gave an apologetic glance at the girl. Hearing footsteps behind, she stole a glance to see the man she fought earlier running at her. Clotheslining him, she sat on him and held a knife to his throat. "Let's made a trade shall we? You give me the girl, and I'll let him go. If you don't..." She pushed the knife a little harder into his neck, causing a couple beads of blood to appear.
     "You think I care about him? We're just coworkers!" He sneered.
     "Really, 'cause you looked pretty buddy-buddy to me! If that's the case, then I guess I can just finished him off." She raised the knife above her head, preparing to end his life before a plead stopped her.
     "Wait, stop. I'll give you the girl, just...just don't kill him." A panicked look was on his face as he pushed the girl in Y/N's direction. Punching the man under her, she stood up and jogged to the girl and grabbed her arm, pulling her to safety.
     "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Y/N plastered a worried expression on her face.
     The girl nervously nodded her head. "That's good... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, WALKING OUTSIDE, ALONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT'S DANGEROUS? YOU'RE LUCKY I WAS OUT HERE!" Y/N yelled, throwing her hands up.
     The girl squeaked out a sorry, sobbing, before Y/N sighed, rubbing her temples, before giving the girl a small smile. "Look, it's okay, your safe! There's nothing to cry about! It's all over. Well, I'm sure you learned your lesson. By the way, do you have a phone, we should probably call the cops."
      The girl's eyes widened as she frantically shook her head. "No! You can't! My dad will know I snuck out!"
     "Well, that's better than someone else being kidnapped because you didn't call them in, isn't it?"
     The girl hesitantly nodded before handing the phone to her savior. Y/N called 9-9-9, giving the the two male's appearances and the license plate number before walking the girl home.

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