Chapter 13

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     Waking with a yelp, she could feel metal chains wrapped around her wrists. A sharp, stinging pain resonated through her body as she tried to come to her senses. They were familiar to her by now. She'd went through the process at least a dozen times by now. Waking up to a shot of electricity coursing through her body, making sure she felt the chains on her raw, reddened wrists, then surveying her surroundings. She'd been doing for almost a week, with no food or water, and little sleep. Bathroom breaks were three times a day, before having to return to the dingy, dark room.
       This time though, she woke up to find two males, one blonde, and the other with black hair, standing in front of her. Growling at them, she noticed the raven head's smile grow larger, his bloodied smile seemingly spreading across his face. She knew who they were, the ones who tortured her constantly. One shocking her, while the other one used her as target practice with his knife. Sometimes, others would accompany them, only to use her as a way to let out their anger.
The blondie floated over to her as black ooze dripped from his eyes, a smirk alighting his face as his green dress-I mean tunic-swaying with every move. He circled her, his predatory gaze staring in to her glaring eyes. It was as if they were having a state off, trying to see who was stronger; who was better. It would be impossible for her to win. He was a ghost after all. Seeing her blink, his smirk grew.
     Biting her lip, she looked down. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty! How are you liking your stay here?"
Ignoring his cheery comment? Y/N continued to glare at the ground, cursing it for not falling out from under him. "Ok then...I guess we'll have to work on those conversation skills! Why don't we start now?" He stopped in front of her.
Lifting her face, she looked into his eyes, waiting for the pain to begin. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see an electrical cord waving ominously in the air, snake closer to as if were a cobra about to attack.
But, before it could make contact with her skin, the door to the cell opened, two figures walking in, the light flowing in behind them blinding her. Seeing frowns form on her tormentor's faces, she squinted trying to see who they were. "Slender need you. Both of you. We'll watch her ourselves." A male's voice spoke.
Grumbling under their breaths, they trudged out. "Why can't that stupid walking tree do anything on his own." The shorter of the two carped, blowing a lock of his blonde hair out of his face.
Studying the two in front of her, she silently sulked. She knew Hoodie, but wasn't so sure who the second guy was. All she knew was the the masked man always cleaned her up after a round with the boys who had walked out, rarely ever speaking. His blue mask faced her as the holes he had for eyes seemed to stare her down.
"Got some good news!" Hoodie was the first to break the ice.
Prying her gaze of the ground, she looked up at him expectantly. "He'll see you in an hour. Until then, you should figure out what to say. But-"
     She sighed, hearing there would be a catch. "You'll be missing lunch...and dinner too...and possibly 4 more meals after that. He doesn't like you taking up his time, figures that's punishment enough. I can try to sneak you in some leftovers if you want."
     She shook her head, smiling a bit. "Don't worry about it. You've been too nice already. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," her voice raspy from lack of use.
     Nodding, he spoke some more. "So what's your plan? You're not gonna go in there and wing it, right?"
"You have no faith in me, do you? Don't worry 'bout it! I would tell you about it, but I don't want you getting caught '  with the enemy'. Let's just say I got something up my sleeve."
     Shaking his head, he stood up. "I gotta go, EJ will stay here with ya for a bit." He said as he walked out the door.
     Crouching next to the sitting girl he started to inspect her, looking for any wounds to treat. An awkward silence settled in the room, making Y/N squirm a bit. "So..."she broke the silence, "what does EJ stand for?"
He stared at her, not saying anything. Feeling as that she had offended the man, she quickly tried to correct herself, hurriedly adding on, "You don't have to answer or anything, I was just curious!"
She watched as he continued checking her, frowning when he seemingly ignored her. "Eyeless Jack."
Nodding, she made sure she appeared to be listening intently to what he said. Silence filled the room once again. "So, does Y/N stand for anything?"
She snapped to attention at the question, surprised that this time he was the one to start a conversation. "I guess you can say it stands for 'foolishly hopeful."
He busied himself, wrapping her ankle quickly while nodding thoughtfully. He chuckled a bit before continuing. "I hear your a couple centuries old. Is that true?"
"Yeah. Pretty much."
Patting her knee, he hoisted himself up, taking his kit with him. "Interesting. Well, good luck on your talk. You'll need it."


With every step she took to the room, the more stares she could feel. Keeping her head up and her posture straight, she let Hoodie guide her, him gripping tightly to her forearm (it was all for appearances, but man, it did hurt).
Going through a series of halls, she finally made it to the elevator that would take them up the building. To say she was nervous was an understatement, but in this moment of being as close to isolated as she can get, she tried to organize her thoughts.
    Going through her short speech a few times, she jumped as she heard the ding of the elevator as they reached the     floor. Glancing at the man beside her, she straightened her posture once again, holding her head high, and strutted out of the claustrophobia-inducing box.
The hall before her bare, quiet. So quiet, she swore she could hear a fly fart. The grip on her arm was loose, almost nonexistent. The closer she walked to the door at the end of the corridor, the more her muscles tensed up.
     As they stopped at the door, she forced herself to calm down. Taking a few deep breaths, she glanced over at the masked boy and nodded at him. He opened the door for her, giving her a reassuring smile and she passed by.

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