Chapter 5

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     The light streamed through the windows as the morning sun peeked over the trees. The ray of sun hit her face, slowly awakening her from her slumber. This morning wasn't particularly hot, probably only in the 70s, but the humidity from last night's shower made it seem a bit hotter.
     Groaning, Y/N sat up and looked around. The room was as bare as it was last night. She stood up and headed for the bathroom. Doing her usual morning routine, she took a shower, dressed, and picked some fruit off nearby trees for breakfast.
Even though she knew going into town was risky, thanks to that little incident that happened last night, but she didn't mind taking that chance. There was no reason to sit around her home, doing nothing, when she could go and do something productive around town. So, with that, she picked up her jacket and walked out of the house.
Y/N was always a fashionable one. Not in sense that she always bought the latest fashion, but she knew what matched, and what didn't. What she wore depended on how she felt. Today, she felt wary. This being said, she wore a hoodie and a pair of perfectly ripped jeans with tennis shoes to top it off. She rarely wore hoodies, not wanting to look suspicious, but it was better looking like a hoodlum than running in a pair of flats. And it also helped when she was running to town. She got there in record time and headed to the cafe to check her emails again.
     Today, the cafe was unusually full. From the outside, she could see the flashes of cameras and the shuffling bodies inside. Was there a celebrity inside? Why would anyone important want to come this dump of a town?
She walked inside, trying (but failing) to get to the front of the crowd. "And here, we present this award to Constanza Nùñez for her bravery last night..."
     Y/N's curiosity was getting the best of herself. When her head finally popped out on the other side, She couldn't believe her eyes! It was the same girl from last night receiving an award from the police force of a different town.
The girl glanced across the crowd, the smile on her face wider than the Grand Canyon, but then her eyes landed on Y/N. The shimmering smiled faltered for a split second before changing back to the previous smile, a little smaller than before. This made Y/N's blood boil. How dare she take credit for something I did! That ungrateful little brat's sure to get what's coming her way, and it'll definitely be worse than it was going to be before.
     Y/N stalked out the cafe, not even bothering to hold the door open for the people filing in and out. Personally, she didn't want the attention that the girl got, but she also didn't want the girl to take credit where it wasn't due. So, she did what she thought was the most sensible thing to do at the time. She waited for her.
     It took another 10 or 20 minutes before Constanza finally came out. The cafe was basically empty again seeing it was almost closing time. She strutted down the street, her purse on her shoulder. Y/N quickly caught up to her and stood in her path, blocking the girl's route. "So, I save your life, walk you home, and now, you take the credit for it." Y/N stopped, savoring the shocked look the girls face before continuing, "You sure have a peculiar way of showing thanks. Some people might even say it's rude!"
     Constanza tried to walk around her, only to have Y/N step right back into her path. After trying a couple more times, she jutted her hip out and put her hand on her hip, getting into a sassy pose. "And what are you going to do about it? Go cry to your mom? Go ahead, see if I care." She snapped before shoving her out of the way.
     Y/N's vision turned red as she grabbed Constanza's hair, stopping the girl in her tracks. "Look. I hate liars. Like, really hate them. So, your gonna tell the press that you weren't the one who took down those men, but a person who preferred to remain anonymous, or you'll wish that you were never born." She sneered. "In fact, you'd be better off dead."
     The girl wore a horrified expression, her hands shaking as she tried to pry the hands on her ponytail off. Y/N gladly let go and pushed her away before rubbing her hands on her jeans in disgust, granting Constanza a chance to flee.
     If anyone saw them, no one acted like it. The street was already fairly empty, any person who could've witnessed their clash were behind them.
  Knowing that she was now in danger of getting arrested, she jogged home, only stopping to get milhojas. Okay, she wasn't too worried about the police since she could easily escape jail (she'd done it before with no problem), but there was always a chance of someone...unpleasant finding out where she lived. Or the fact that she lives, for that matter. And that would only cause complications for the girl. She had a long list of enemies, a short list of neutrals, and an even shorter list of friends. And any of them finding her would be bad.
Only problem was that there was a surprise left in front of her home. A small, paper wrapped box with a bow on it sat there, waiting there for her to pick it up and take it in. But, instead of taking it in, she stomped on it a couple times, hoping that it wasn't anything she would actually need. Hurridely, she quickly walked into the dense, green jungle, not noticing the four pairs of eyes that followed her that were a little ticked off that she didn't accept the present.

~1008 words~

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