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OK, so sorry I had to make you all wait. My apologies. Anyways. How y'all been. I've been good but bad the last few months. Not to worry dear. Anyway I need opinions. Should I have a IG for The Fuck Girl {TFG} BTW you should go check out my other book. Hidden its on it's second chapter. But anyways I'm all Gucci right now. Soo here babies.


Alexandria's point of view

I knocked on the hard wood door. Patiently waiting. The walk here from chipotle wasn't very far. I didn't mind it either, I needed to loose the food I ate anyways.

I unlocked my phone, checking text messages and notifications of all sorts while I waited.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see the brown haired beauty of a man smile. His dimples clearly visible.

"Hey Sammy. " I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. We exchanged numbers before we said our 'see you laters'

"Can I come in?" I hesitantly asked. He nodded and moved aside.

"So what brings your lovely self to my apartment. " he speaks closing the door behind him once I enter.

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