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S/n for the beginning. Anyway thank you to all who had voted. I appreciate it very much. And to those who took the time to read it. I also very apreciate it. Now if you could share it to as many more people. If your in any of the Fandoms including the following; Magcon Squad, HOM aka High off of Magcon #HighoffofMagconTakeover or something like that. Lol. Um. Magcon squad;lowercased 's'
True Magcon Fam or Family.

Go and share it on please.
Anyway back on topic. So I'm gonna go from where we left off. . Remember I will leave a side note at the end.

Every thing is still not edited but will be as the views and votes increase.


Alexandria's p.o.v

I licked my lips as I sat at an airport's public seating. It has been an hour and a half and still no call for my Plane.

I sighed as I looked around the room at other people doing about their business. I traced the tip of my finger around the rim of my coffee cup.

It was almost finish. Just one more sip and I'd be finish with my third cup. It wasn't as hot as it was only moments ago. I took my phone out of my left pocket to see eight miss calls and twenty-four messages from the same person; Cristian.

I rolled my eyes and clicked on the voicemails left. The first one was such a turn on. His morning voice is so, so ugghhh.

" Hey um Alex, where you at? "

I clicked the second one.

"Hey Alexandria baby did you go home?"

I bit my lip as I clicked the next four. He sounded like he was getting impatient.

I clicked the second to last one.

" Godamnit Alex! Pick up your fuckin phone. "

I clicked the last one and cocked an eyebrow at what he had said.

" Alexandria! Ooh. Once I find where you at I'm gonna bang you so damn hard you aren't gonna be able to walk for years. Making it impossible for you to leave!" He had whispered the message into the phone.

I smirked and put my phone away in my pocket. I got up and went to go throw my leftover coffee in a near by bin.

As soon as I returned to my seat they had called out my Plane for California.

"Finally" I mumbled as I got up once again to hurriedly make it on time for the plane ride.

Don't want to be the last ones on getting the worst seats.


Once I made it to the where they were calling my Plane I was already out of breathe. I took a two minute breather before hopping on board.

Inside the plane I took a seat in the back but not far off where you can smell the bathroom occupation. Just far enough out of nosy and annoying people. I took out my phone and set it on airplane mode.

Didn't want to be bombarded with messages. I sighed as I looked out the window. Still haven't tooken off.

Only minutes after looking out the window I felt a presence behind me.

"Hey um is anyone sitting here." A voice asked. I turned my head and saw a male who looked about 20 or something standing there warily waiting for me to respond.

"Oh um no. But your welcome to. " I said with a forced smile. He smiled and took the seat beside me.

I pretended to look away although I was staring at him intently from the corner of my eye.

" My name is sammy. Yours?" He asked as his eyes stared at me momentarily.

"Alexandria. Nice to meet you." I replied coolly although I don't know what I was being cool about.

He chuckled and smiled widely. If you looked hard enough you can probably see a dimple on his cheeks. That or I was hallucinating.

" why you heading to L.A California?" He asked me with a questioned look. I shrugged. Opened my mouth but no words came out.

He chuckled and sighed confortingly. "Theres got to be a reason. There's always a reason for things. So what's yours?" He asked again staring into my eyes.

" you know. I don't really know. I just intentionally do what I do. " I said looking at him directly. He smiled and nodded.

"I can relate to something like that. "He replied. I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully and sat in silence that was so comforting. So soothing that it felt like we knew each other for ages instead of mere minutes.

" Can I get you guys something before we take off?" A female flight attendant asked walking up to us with a clipboard in hand.

She had short brown hair that reached the bottom of her jaw and red lipstick that matched her pale complexion. Her eyes were gray and she was a short small fragile thing.

"Uh yea. Give me a nice refreshing water and uh a small bag of chips please?" Sammy asked her in the politest voice ever. She nodded and wrote it down on the clipboard.

Then she looked at me and smiled. "I'm gonna go with a simple coffee if that's alright. Oh and a chocolate chip muffin if you don't have blueberry ones." I asked in the most politest voice I had ever heard myself speak in. She nodded and wrote it down then left to go take other peoples request.

I sighed and rested my eyes peacefully. Five minutes later Sammy tapped my shoulder and I opened my eyes.

Another flight attendant returned with our ordering. She had long brown wavy hair. A nice tanned complexion. White teeth. Hell she looked like the Mexican me.

" Here you go ma'am and sir. " She had said handing us our food. I smiled and mumbled a small thankyou.

Sammy looked from her to me in a confused look. I overheard him mutter 'holy crap.'

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen we are taking off shortly so fasten your safety belts. Turn off all electronics and enjoy our ride to LA California. " The overhead speaker said. I smiled and took a bite of the chocolate chip muffin and sat in complete awe.
It was gonna be a long trip.

S/n: hey peeps. How did you like the second chapter. Did you like who I introduced ;-).

Anyhow; please vote for the story. its not that hard. All you gotta do is click the button that's all. The story has just started to unfold.

I'll be doing questions of the day too. And oh also comment what you thought about it.

Qotd: whose your favorite Magcon boy?

Me: Taylor and cam. Sure of that.

Well till I update again bye



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