Chapter 7- A Not-Date-Dinner-Date Part 1

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Chapter 7

February 14th

Sawyer’s POV

    I read the last text from Tyler again.

    “Yeah, can do! See you then!”

    I smiled triumphantly. “My plan is going to be so great... I can not wait! Oh, I better text Jen...” I thought. I pulled out my phone again.

    “Hey Jen, it’s Sawyer. So I know how good you are at drawing, and I decided I’m going to make an Anime movie. I was wondering if you would be willing to help me draw it? I’d pay you if you want.” I waited for the response. As I waited, I checked Twitter. The text back came a few minutes later.

    “Yeah, I’d love to help you! And you don't need to pay me unless you want to... I’ll accept anything, haha.”

    “Yeah, cool. For pay, how does $75 sound to you? I can pay more if you need.”

    “NOOO!!!! $75 is plenty! Thank you so much Sawyer! You’re awesome!”

    “Cool, and thanks haha. When can you come over so I can give you the outline of the film? I’m free pretty much everyday, except for Sunday and Thursday.”

“How does Saturday work? I can get my mom to drive me, I think. If not, Jason can drive me. I can't wait to turn 16... I need my license now, lmao! Only 7 more months...”

“Haha, true. Saturday works. If needed, I can probably pick you up. How does noon sound?”

  “Yeah, cool. See you Saturday! =D” I smiled as I read Jen’s reply.

"She’s the sweetest girl ever..." I thought to myself. I dropped my phone on my dresser and went downstairs to get some food. I walked in the kitchen, only to see Joey standing at the counter making a green smoothie... I quickly turned around and tried to make my escape,but Joey saw me out of the corner of his eye and called out to me.

“Sawyer... I’m really sorry about...” He awkwardly apologized.

“It’s... It’s ok. It’s cool, really.” I replied, then tried again to leave.

“No, wait! I feel really bad. Let me take you out for dinner. Not a date, of course.” He said quickly, blushing. I loved that little blush...

“Um, yeah... Cool... When?”

“Ten minutes. Go get ready, now.” He pointed to the stairs. I turned and went to the stairs, hesitating at the bottom. I looked back behind me to see Joey putting the ingredients for a smoothie back in the fridge. I went upstairs and got my coat and phone, plus some money. "How is this going to play out? Is this going to be a disaster?" I thought to myself. "I hope not... I really love him... "


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