Chapter 15- The Great Escape

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Chapter 15

February 15th

Joey’s POV

"I’ll be out of here by tomorrow night!" I thought to myself. With my newly freed hands, I began planning out my escape in the dust on the floor.

About half an hour later, I sat back on my heels and looked at my plan. It looked like rubbish on the ground, but in my head, it was genius. I heard a scraping coming from the doorway. Startled, I swiped at my plan with my hand, blurring the map and wording written on the floor, then stood.

“Bathroom break, buddy.” Came a baritone voice from the doorway, where a short but strong looking man stood.

“With all due respect sir, may I please speak with Sawyer? It’s very important.” I asked as politely as I could.

“Uh... I guess...” The man took a walkie talkie out of his back pocket. “Boss, can you come down here? The prisoner wants to talk to you. Says it’s important.” He said into the mouthpiece. The reply came seconds later.

“Yeah, be right there.”

True to his word, a minute later, Sawyer entered my cell.

“What’s up?” He asked me.

As soon as he was done talking, I grabbed the front of his t-shirt and slammed my lips into his. As huskily and sexily as I could manage, I asked him:

“Can you tell the big guy to leave? I don't want him to hear what I’m gonna tell you.” Sawyer, flustered, nodded.

“Sven, take 20. I’ll let you know if I need you.” He told the big guy, who I now knew was named Sven. As soon as I heard Sven’s footsteps leaving the dungeon, I grabbed Sawyer’s walkie talkie. I flicked it off then tossed it across the room.

“You won’t be needing that.” I told Sawyer, then smirked at him.

“Oh... Oh my...” Sawyer’s eyes widened.

I put my hand on Sawyer’s neck and brought him in closer for another kiss. As he kissed me, (with much passion I must say) I located the pressure point behind his earlobe, then pushed with all my strenght. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Oh shit, Did I just kill him?" I thought. I checked his pulse, which was luckily steady. I breathed a sigh of relief, then continued with my plan. I hurried across the room to the walkie talkie, and took out the battery. Then I walked back to Sawyer’s limp body and took his phone. Looking at the time and day, I realized that IT WAS STILL FEBRUARY 15TH, at 4:35 IN THE AFTERNOON. Surprised, I slid the bar on his touch screen to unlock, but it came up with a letter passcode. Worried, I thought for a moment about what his password might be, then it hit me.

Of course! My name! I thought, trying it.

I typed in “Joseph Michael Graceffa”. It buzzed.

“Incorrect password, please try again.” The red sign above the password enter bar read.

I tried again. “Joseph Graceffa”. It buzzed red once more.

Last time... I thought.

“Joey Graceffa”. It clicked, and I was in. Elated, I tapped on the green messages icon. The first message that appeared on the screen was a group message to “The Crew”. I looked at who “The Crew” was.

Sven, Xavier, Russo, Bif, and... LISA?!?!?! I looked at the contact “Lisa”. Sure enough, it was Lisa Schwartz, Shane’s fiance.

Shaken, I exited contacts and sent a group message to Bif, Russo, Xavier, and Sven, purposely excluding Lisa.

I don’t want her in on any part of this whole thing... I thought to myself.

I typed in a text, then hit send.

“Everything is good down below with the prisoner. Do not come down until I tell you too. I am having a private meeting with him.” Read the text. The replies came quickly.

“Yes boss.” Sven.

“Yes sir.” Xavier.

“Roger that!” Russo.        

“Got it, boss.” Bif.

Happy to know my plan was folding out nicely, I snuck up the stone staircase. At the top lay a large wood door. I opened it just enough to get out, then slipped out into the sunlight. Squinting, I let my eyes adjust to the bright light and realized that I wasn't even outside yet, just in a stone corridor. I located the door and walked outside. What spanned out in front of me was NOT what I expected. It was a beautiful, green countryside with orchards and trees all over. A big contrast to the old stone structure behind me. Looking around, I noticed a small, compact, nondescript black sedan sitting a ways up the road. I went to go check it out.

It was a simple car with tinted windows. I couldn't see inside, but when I tried the door, it was unlocked. With bated breath, I opened the driver’s side door and peered in. THE KEYS WERE IN THE IGNITION OF THE CAR! Not believing my luck, I got in and started the car. Just as I began to back up, I heard a growl from the back. Slowly, I rotated in my seat to look at the back. Peering up from the floor was the big man from earlier, Sven.

“You’re so gonna get it, scumbag... I’ll beat you to a pulp! You should have never tried to escape...” Sven growled, and pulled a shiny, silver pistol from his waistband and pointed it at my head. I swallowed, feeling the lump rise in my throat.

“Get out of the car.” Sven ordered. I complied. I was scared out of my wits! Sven was an obviously strong man, with a shaved head and a hooked nose. As soon as I got out of the car, Sven too got out. The last thing I remember was a hit to my temple with the gun and Sven’s menacing grin before I blacked out. 

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