Chapter 22- Complicated Love

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Chapter 22

February 15th

Shane’s POV

I had been stuck househunting for Joey with Lisa for hours. It was pure torture. Nothing was just right! We had looked at about 50 different apartments, and not a single one pleased Lisa. Frankly, I didn’t want Joey to move out. I enjoyed having him around. It was fun to be with him. I was glad to have a male in the house instead of just Lisa and Corny.

We pulled into the driveway of a swanky upper-end apartment building. Lisa parked and we got out. Just as we walked into the lobby, (which was very nice, I must say) my phone tinkled in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Joey had texted me.

“Sawyer and I made up, I’m gonna move back in with him. Thank you so much for taking me in for this one day. You’re a great friend, Shane.”

I curled my upper lip.

"I’ve been doing this godforsaken house-hunting for nothing?!?!" I thought.

“Lisa, Joey just texted me. Him and Sawyer made up, so Joey’s moving back in with him again. We don’t need to keep shopping.” I informed her of the change.

“Oh, ok. I was having fun... Hm.” Lisa thought for a moment. “You know, Some of these places are really nice. I especially liked that one place over on Elm Street, you know the one I’m talking about? The one with the big trees in between the houses? It’s like a light blue, with the sort of frilly trim on the terrace? I think it would be perfect for you, Corny, and I.”

“Lisa, we aren't moving. That’s absurd. Plus, those places were way out of our price range. We are perfectly fine in the place we are now. Why spend extra money?” I shook my head at Lisa’s insane idea.

“Because our house is just to... I don’t know. I feel cramped. I’d love my own filming room/office, and I’m sure you’d be happy to get your own space also. A bigger bedroom would be lovely. So would a nicer bathroom. The house on Elm has all of those things. Plus, it had that nice strip of grass in between the houses, and that lovely field? And it has that adorable little yard, perfect for the garden I’ve always wanted!” Lisa gushed.

“Look, Lisa, while that house is nicer than ours, and would be a great place for us, it’s out of our price range. Plus, we are fine where we are.”

“Babe please! At least think about it...” Lisa begged. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Fine, I’ll consider it. Let’s go, ok? Help Joey pack and everything.”

Lisa grinned and clapped her hands. “Yeah, let’s go!”

I pulled out my phone and texted Joey.

“We'll come help you pack up.” I hit send and re pocketed my phone.

We got into the car and headed home. On the way, we stopped at the grocery store to get some more eggs, milk, and bananas. We finally made it home.

“Can you bring the groceries in? I want to finish sending this email.” Lisa said.

“Yeah, sure.” I replied, grabbing the groceries.

Bags in my arms, I walked up the porch step. The door was locked, so I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. I did not expect what lay before me on my couch. Joey was stretched out with Sawyer on top of him, their lips locked and hands roaming. Time moved in slow motion as the groceries dropped and bounded across the room. As I got closer, Sawyer sat up in astonishment. Before he could clamber off of Joey, I grabbed the front of his shirt and drove my balled fist into his nose. Blood spurted out and Sawyer fell to the floor, clutching his nose and wailing. I kicked him as he lay on me floor, once, twice, three times. His shirt rode up his torso and I saw yellow bruises forming on his side. Lifting my foot, I stomped on his nose, eliciting a animalistic scream from him.

“Please, stop! Shane!” Sawyer cried, blood gushing into his mouth from his mangled nose.

Joey lay shock still on the couch for a moment while I pummeled Sawyer. Suddenly coming to his senses, he jumped up and shoved me roughly, causing me to fall backward and hit my head on the floor.

“Shane, what the hell? We were just kissing! Good grief!” He yelled at me. I sat up shakily.

“Why were you fricking making out on my couch? What the actual hell, Joey? How could you do this to me?” I hurled my words at Joey.

“Do what? We weren’t doing anything bad! Just kissing!” Joey stammered.

Tears came to my eyes and I slowly stood.

“Do you have any idea how much you mean to me, Joey? Why do you think I let you stay with me and Lisa? Lisa didn’t want you to be here. It was because I love you, Joey.” I crumbled, letting my feeling finally free themselves. I couldn't deny it anymore, I loved Joseph Michael Graceffa. Joey just stood there, eyes wide and mouth open in astonishment.

“I... I’m sorry Shane... I didn’t... I had no idea. Shane, the reason Sawyer’s hand is broken is because I broke his heart when I told him that I like you, Shane. I love you too, Shane Lee Yaw.” Joey looked down in embarrassment. “I was only kissing Sawyer because... Because he’s hot and I needed someone to distract me from you.” Joey admitted, his voice shaking. “No offense, Sawyer... Sorry.” Sawyer just groaned, clutching his face.

“You... You are?” I asked.

“Yeah...” Joey looked away, blushing.

“What happened?!” Lisa’s shocked voice came from the doorway. I turned to see her standing in front of the open door, looking back and forth between the mess of broken eggs, spilled milk, bruised bananas, and bloody Sawyer lying on the floor.

“Uh... Lisa, why don’t we go into our room for a moment, I think we need to talk.” I told Lisa.

“Um, ok...?” We went into our room and I explained to her what happened.

“Lisa, I’m sorry, but I’m in love with Joey. I think it’s better if we break up.” I told her sadly.

“Of course. I’ve been expecting this for months. It’s so obvious, the chemistry between you two. Good for you, hun. I knew it was coming, so I placed a bid on that house I was telling you about, and I was the highest bidder. The place is mine. You and Joey are free to move there or I can and you two can live here.” Lisa smiled at me. Frankly, I was shocked. I didn't even notice me and Joey’s chemistry, but Lisa did?

I was happy though. Me and Joey would be able to live happily together, in more ways than just roommates.

I left the room to tell Joey the news. Joey was on his knees wiping up the blood in the living room. Sawyer was no where to be seen.

“Where is Sawyer?” I asked.

“I got Sawyer an ice pack and helped clean him up, then I sent him to the hospital to get his nose fixed.”

“Oh, ok. Well, I have something to ask you. Joseph Graceffa, how would you like to go out on a date with me, and stay living here with me?” I asked. Joey stood and walked towards me.

“Of course, Shane.” Then he kissed me. 

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