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One week later

After that refreshing week, am ready to face school and am moving on from Noel. I have let go,no need to yearn for someone who will never give you a chance. I did everything a guy who likes another would. I showered him with gifts,affection,care, there is nothing I didn't do for Noel despite the constant rejection.
But now,am going to be open to meeting new people. Am moving on,nothing is going to change my mind.
"Hey,let's meet up later for brunch" Vicky says
"Alright,I'll see you there" I reply
I go to my room and collect all the pictures of Noel I'd taken sneakily or collected,I put them in a shoe box, I feel my eyes watering,
Nobody told me heartbreak was this painful! I got my f**king heart broken by the boy I first liked. Noel,I really fell for you,I wanted us to be together, I felt the sparks.
Eventually,I let it go as decided. I dress up and go for brunch, am going to meet Vicky in the hallway.
I enter the cafeteria and go to the counter while chatting with my best friend, we meet a few of our other friends at the line. After getting what we want, we head to a table and sit down.
Am controlling myself, trying not to look around for him.
We continue laughing and talking, then suddenly, he's here, in front of me!
What a surprise! That's a first! Coming to me willingly, its me who always forces him.
I look away and continue eating.
"Hey,Jared" he says
"Hello" I reply and keep quiet.
"Ahhh....your not your usual chatty self" he says
"What do you want Noel?" I ask
"I.....I would like to talk you, I have something to say" he says

Oh great,after complaining to his mum,I guess he is coming to tell me off.
I get up irritated and ask him to follow me outside.
"Okay we are here" I say
"This has taken a lot of courage for me to say after a long time but it has to be said" he continues
I knew it!
I cut him off,
"Look,I know what you want to say, I get it,you don't have to. Am not going to bother you anymore,I swear am going to stay away from you. After a year of trying, am done. I've let you go and I don't want to be close to you anymore and neither should you,let's leave things as they are." I say
"But Jared, I wanted to say that....." He says
"No,let it go.... goodbye Noel,it never worked out,it never will" I say and walk away my heart breaking into tiny pieces,crushing and mending but full of cracks! "
This is harder than I thought!
I go back to the cafeteria and doc notices something isn't right. She squeezes my hand and nods at me,making silly faces. I can't help it and burst out laughing. She looks like a porcupine.
Later, we head to class, after class, we head to the gym with Vicky. She is an athlete, she plays volleyball. She works out like hell.
As we are lifting weights,I tell her,
"Doc,I want to start dating someone" I say
"You just realised this?" She asks
"Yeah actually, am open to meeting new people" I say
"Well, let's get you a guy" she says with an evil smile.
"Hey,no funny business!" I say
"Shut up,am not funny, am just mean but people think am joking.
" You are right! "I reply
We go off to room 203,to plan.

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