If I Lose You. ( A BB the jerk and VICE Fanfic)

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Jasmines POV

(Jazzys outfit http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=102945167 ))

((Crystals outfit http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=102946323))

Oh god.. Im meeting them today.. Oh lord.. Breathe Jazzy breath. Oh Im Jasmine.. Today im meeting THE  WiLDTHiNGZ <3 I love them so much. They are so hot! But Barnaby Aka BB is my favorite. HE WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH ME! Jk I wish. Im With my friend Crystal she loves BBs brother Jon. "If Jon is there I will die!" She said searching for her notes. "Crystal shutup! Oh goodness they are right there!!" We walked up a little more and we were next to say Hi. "Next!" The guard yelled. Crystal and I squealed so loud! "One at a time ladys!" fuuucckk!! I hugged Crystal quickly and went through. As soon as I walked in all I saw were BBs eyes.. Woah. WAIT.. Hes looking at ME! Okay keep cool. "Hey beautiful" Vice said opening his arms for a hug. I hugged him so tight. "Hey all I wanted was a hug and to say Hi. Hah" I smiled and Looked at BB he was still looking. "He does that when he thinks a girl is really beautiful." I hear Vice whisper to me. "Really?" I asked I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. I looked away and walked to BB. I hugged him tight. "Hi BB." I said kinda shaky. "He-Hi Gorgeous." he stuttered. Awee!! "Well I should get going.. Bye guys!" I waved and started walking off. "Wait!" Someone yelled. I turned around it was BB. "Can I uh. Uhmm.. Uh.." I looked at the floor. "He wants your number." Vice said. Awwe! "Uhm.. Yeah what he said."  I took BBs Phone and put my number in. I waved bye and left. Oh god.. I Just gave BB my number... Oh god..


"OKAY NEXT PERSON!!" The guard yelled. God these people are so loud.

I walked up to them waved and hugged them. "Hi uhm BB if I give you a note for Jon will you give it to him?" I asked shaking. "You know my brother?" BB asked surprised. "Yeah? Why is that suprising?" I asked. "No one really knows him." I smiled. "I do and hes so perfect." Vice elbowed BB and smirked then he said he would be right back. "Wait here." I nodded and gave BB his note. He read it in front of me. "Your so adorable I love you!" He laughed and hugged me after he read it. "Im back." I hugged Vice and gave him his note. "I love you bye guys!" I said and Vice got a camera out. What? He started recording as I walked out and he followed me. Whats going o-.....Oh god.. Its.. Oh god... "H-Hi" I said staring at him. "Hey Gorgeous!" Jon said opening his arms for a hug. I ran into his arms and hugged him so tight. "Hi oh gosh. Ive always wanted to meet you. Your so amazing. Can I have a picture please?" I asked quite nervously actually. He nodded and I gave Jazzy my phone. "One Two Three" And just before it clicked Jon turned him head and kissed my cheek. Im trying not to scream. "Aw thank you." I blushed so hard. "No problem. Your really pretty. Can I get your number?" What? "Yeah Sure." He handed me his phone and I put my number in. I hugged him once more and yelled thanks to BB and Vice. With that Jazzy and I left the mall. BEST DAY EVER!

Vices POV.

Today was so nice meeting all of Wilderness. They are the nicest things ever.<3 BB got all googley eyed for this one girl Vanessa? Somthing like that. Then Jon got her friends number. I ship those two so hard. Their ship name would be uhm.. Jonstal. But yes I ship them. "Hey were done lets go Jorydn and Shannon are waiting lets go!" I think BB yelled. "Im comming hold on!" damn. I grabbed my cocky hat and followed BB and Jon.

We got in the car to be greeted by Jordyn and Shannon. We are like the 5 amigos. Haha. These girls are like sisters to me! "Hey Jordyn. Hey Shannon." I said sitting next to Jordyn. "Hey Vice. How was it?" Jordyn asked. "It went well. The boys found girlfriends." "Shuddup!" BB and Jon said in unison. Woah. some times I think they have the same mind. "Oh god you know that Acacia girl? The one who like cheateed on Sam with like his friend or somthing like that?" Jordyn nodded. "SHE WAS THERE!" Shannon gasped. "DID SHE TOUCH YOU WERE YOU INFECTED?"  "Shannon shes kinda nice..but like shes touched my ass 50000 times.." BB said while texting this new girl. I think.. "Just dont date her." I rolled my eyes and Plugged my headphones in listening to Sleeping With Sirens. "Wake me up when were home!" I said before falling asleep.

(Okay I know its short and shit sorry.. Okay but if you read this #Jonstal and tagg @BBmyJerk45 on twitter!! love you bye. Crystals outfit in comments and Jazzys in sidebar))

If I Lose You. ( A BB the jerk and VICE Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now