Chapter 1

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May 2010

I’m nervous. All I want to do is vomit, but I won’t because it will only ruin the moment. My senior year and all the years prior have led me to this moment. This agonizingly long walk to ask my best friend to dance with me will be the death of me, I’m almost certain. He’s standing with a group of our friends looking devastating. I’ve known since junior year that I’ve loved this boy, soon to be man. He’s beautiful in a way he shouldn’t be. His lightly tanned skin almost glowing in the dimly lit gym and his sturdy but small muscular frame fitting into his tuxedo in way that should be illegal are making my mission harder than it should be. I shouldn’t feel the way I do. I know he feels the same, non-stop flirting all year has been a good indication. God, listen to me ramble I sound like some shitty high school prom movie. I just want to run and hide and then another part of me wants to do this, for everything to be real and raw and open, so I keep walking. His back is turned to me but I hear his laugh and instantly feel light as air, his voice has that effect on me. Damn, there I go again. I seriously can’t help it, I’m never like this but he pulls it out of me. I finally make it to him after what feels like ages. My breathing is heavy and my stomach feels as though it’s in my throat. I tap him on the shoulder.

“Cas?” I ask drawing his attention and making him turn towards me. I almost lose my nerve right then and there. I almost flee, almost.

“Dean.” he smiles at me the second he turns and sees me.  I feel like vomiting again, but instead I somehow manage to get what I want to say out.

“Will you dance with me?” I know I’m barely audible and that I’m bound to be blushing. The dance was actually coming to a close; it’s the last dance of the night. This was my intention, to ask on the very last dance so if I was rejected I can leave easily without question and if I was actually granted the thing I wanted most, then it would be the most poetic chick flick moment of my life, to have the last dance of my senior year with the boy I love.

“I didn’t think you were ever going to ask,” he smiles easily while slipping his hand into mine and dragging me to the middle of the gym floor. We easily fit together in the way I knew we would. His hand on my hip, mine in the middle of his back, other hands latched and suspended. We are moving in a comfortable sway to the music.

“Dean,” he leans up into my ear. "Were you nervous or just ashamed?” he was questioning my timing. It have never dawned on me that that’s how it must have appeared, especially since I tended to be the brash one.

“I would never be ashamed of you Cas.” I defend.

“So you were just chicken shit.” Castiel jokes.

“Yes, utter chicken shit.” I say with a breathy laugh. He moves closer to me. The other boy is just an inch or two shorter than I am. His rich dark hair is falling out of place, rid of its gel that was holding it in place due to sweat, landing in odd places on his forehead giving the illusion of sex-hair. It was truly unfair. His stupidly blue eyes were shimmering in a way that I knew he meant mischief. I knew it because we both had that look in our eyes every time we had pulled off a prank and were listening to morning announcements promising the culprits would be severely punished when caught, though we never were.

“I’m glad I got over that.” I say leaning down a fraction of an inch.

“Me too.” He moves the same amount. His eyes are half closed as are mine. The gym is dark and practically empty. It’s just us with some typical prom song playing in the background. It smells like punch and alcohol but being this close the other boy all I smell is him. He smells musty in a good non-grandpa kinda way, but also a little of sweat having been in a hot Tuxedo crowed by people in and equally hot gym that’s gone cold since all the other bodies have cleared out. We’ve moved even closer our lips only separated by a thin, millimetre layer of air.

“HEY!” Then the illusion is shattered. We jump apart at the sudden intrusion of privacy. ”The dance was over 20 mins ago, go home,” Says a janitor that just entered, it just occurred to us that we had been dancing without music and stuck in weird game of chicken.

“Sorry.” I call out leading Cas outside to the parking lot. Our cars are actually only two spaces away and I know this is the perfect opportunity to pick up where we were interrupted but I don’t. Tomorrow is our graduation night, I’ve decided to pick it up tomorrow night at the after graduation party. 

“Night Cas.” I say turning to my car. Every part of my body keeps screaming at me to kiss him. That this may be my only chance but I know that’s foolish. I’ve got the rest of my life to kiss Castiel. We’re even going to the same college next year.

“Night.” I hear him sigh to me as he walks towards his own car. I leave before he does. I probably should have waited for him but I’m late for curfew as is and didn’t want to make it any worse. Besides, he’s a Big Boy he can take care of himself.


I wake up to my alarm clock. I wake up with a sinking feeling in my stomach that I pass off as part not kissing Castiel last night and the other part as I’m graduating today.

Rehearsals are all I have today and are from 8 o'clock until 11 o'clock. After that we soon to be free seniors are allowed to go home and don’t have to return until 8 o'clock tonight. The teachers and principal always threaten that if you don’t show to rehearsal you don’t get to walk at all, which is utter horse shit. There is no need to actually go and practice for as long as they make us do. We have very little need to practice with our town being as small as it is, everyone already knows the person they have stand in front and behind. You basically know since kindergarten, since any one hardly moves here and since no ever leaves.  I know I’m last just like I know Cas is directly in the middle of the ceremony.  I realizes looking back at the clock that I’m running late now, having stayed lying in bed and thinking about it all.

I arrive about 5 minutes late and I don’t see Cas but I figure he’s either running late himself or already seated and waiting. We run through the rehearsal 5 times, which is 5 times too many.

After it’s over I immediately start looking for Cas. I notice that he’s still nowhere to be seen and I noticed that he wasn’t at rehearsal but it’s no biggie over half of our graduating class are absent. I guess he’s either embarrassed or mad at me for last night. That’s okay, I sigh internally, I’ll clear everything up tonight and make it up to him when I FINALLY kiss him. I’ve made it my personal mission to not screw it up this time, no matter what I will kiss Castiel Novak tonight.

It’s 8 o’clock way sooner than I anticipate. I’m nervous, not about graduating, but about Castiel. He hasn’t returned my calls or texts all day, not even to tell me to stop talking to him. I try to pass it off as he’s just mad at me or hurt but I know it’s something more I’m just too terrified to admit it.

The ceremony is over by 10 o’clock and could have been done sooner but the Valedictorian had decided to run her trap for 20 years. Cas wasn’t on stage when they called his name. That’s when I knew something was seriously wrong.  I know something was terribly wrong when his parents asked me if I knew where he was because they had assumed he was at my house last night as was frequently the case he didn’t come home.

The next morning, when we still can’t find him, we call the cops.

**edited by the lovely Bab3yBlu3Eyes**

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