Chapter 2

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The same night

“Night Cas.” Dean says to me as he turns towards his car. I can see his shoulders and back tense beneath his tux. I can tell in that moment that he’s having some weird internal struggle and it’s probably if he should kiss me or not.

“Night.” is all I can really muster up. To say I’m not disappointed would be a lie but it’s not like I’m devastated about our failure to kiss. I know it will happen soon, but I’ve been saying that since junior year. I heave a sigh as I head towards my car. Dean left just moments earlier probably rushing to get home because I know for a fact that his curfew was about ten minutes ago.

I get into my car in a hurry because my own curfew is quickly approaching. I start my car and suddenly feel something cold and hard press into the back of my neck. It’s a gun.

“Stay quiet,” I hear a calm voice tell me. “Drive like you are heading home, but listen to my instructions when I give them.”

His voice sounded so familiar but I know if I try and turn around to look at my captor that it will mostly likely end badly for me, so I do as instructed. I actually head in the direction Dean does, because we only live a block away from each other. Dean is the one constant thought that’s actually keeping me calm. Odd, you think it would be my parents or siblings, but no. It’s Dean, he’s always the one thing I can count on in my life. I’ve known I could count on him since I was five when the bossy jerk helped me to get across the monkey bars, we had been friends since that moment as well as inseparable. I know that if I’m going to be killed tonight, as I suspect I will be, then I know Dean will not give up until both my body and my murderer are found. I’m not saying my parents wouldn’t want those things, it’s just they tend to be very passive aggressive so I don’t really see them hunting down my killer for vengeance.

“Turn right!” he commanded. I give my signal and turn. A few more directions and twenty minutes later, he tells me to pull over. I park on the edge of the road leaving town next to the woods.

“Get out!” he orders. ”And if you think about running I will shoot you, no hesitation.” I believe him without a doubt, so I get out of the car slowly and close the door.  I finally turn around to look at my captor only to see a very familiar face.

“Why would you do this?” I ask, I thought this man was a friend. I feel like vomiting. I think I could stand the thought of dying the hands of a strange man, no matter what he had had in store but to see this man, someone that I thought I could trust do this to me is sickening.

“Because I want you Castiel and what I want I get,” he said as though it was the most logical thing in the world and I was foolish for asking such a question. The man stepped closer to me, making me step backward. This made him frown as though I was hurting his feelings.

“Walk!” he commands pointing the gun towards the woods then quickly back to me. I want to comply because I really don’t want to make this worse than it already will be but I cannot seem to move, my legs feel as though they’ve turned to lead.

“I said, WALK!” he shouts, taking another step towards me. The sudden invasion of my personal space by him alarms me enough to get me moving in the direction that I was instructed. We walk through the woods for what fells like hours but is probably no more than 45 minutes, tops. The only reason we stop is because we’ve come across a road with a car parked across from us that’s running and waiting. I feel a sharp pain and everything goes black.


My head aches, as does the rest of my body and either my eyes are still closed or I’m somewhere pitch black but I can sit up so I know I’m not somewhere constricting. I can’t remember how I got here, I’m not even sure where here is, I know it doesn’t smell like anywhere familiar. This place smells damp and mouldy as though I’m in a basement. That doesn’t make sense, why I am in basement? I should be home in my bed! I’m graduating in few hours so what the hell is going on? There is a wetness to my face that I’m certain was not there moments ago, I must be crying.

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