52 3 93

Doing this here!


So I've been chosen let's a go!

1. Favorite Droid from Star Wars?

Now before I answer please don't kill me, but I have never seen a Star Wars movie... at all I'm sorry, but I've heard stuff with my friend who LOVES it and so I like R2-D2 I'm sorry Star Wars fans >~<

2. Favorite College Football team?

I'm not into sports that much, but I support TCU GO HORNED FROGS!

3. Favorite shade of orange?

Hmmm I really like Sunglow

4. Favorite Musical?

I don't if it classifies it's The Nightmare Before Christmas

5. If you could be someone from a horror game out there which one? Why?

FNAF sorry not sorry and The Puppet because well she is usually very quiet unless you don't rewind the music box I like that idea, you could prevent your death if you do a simple thing. FNAF because well the lore of it intrigues me.

6. If you could create your own Pokemon, what would it look like? What would it's name be? What type would it be?

Oo a hard one mhh welp it would be a 1-1½ a foot it would have a tail that's fuzzy and curls at the ends it would be the color of Wild Blue Yonder, it would have a round face with Periwinkle colored eyes. It would have a gray coat with puffs on top of her/his head (Same color of it's tail).

When it feels scared his/her eyes will turn a glossy black and it's tail will turn purple. It's name would be Misutikki. It would be steel or ice.

7. Mystic, Valor or Instinct?

Mystic brahs!

8. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Hufflepuff?

I'm Gryffindor I'm in Pottermore took the quiz

9. Favorite character in Back From the Future?

Dr. Emmett Brown

10. Favorite Number?


11. Favorite quote?

"Doing what you need is surviving, doing what you want is living"

12. If you could be a Pokemon which one would you be?


13. What's the worst food out there?

I don't like goat...

So that's the end now I need to tag 13 people and ask questions OK!






Its_Lee_ HI MAMA!









1. Favorite book?

2. Favorite Ship?

3. If you could be any mythical animal what would you be and why?

4. Favorite colour?

5. Art? Orchestra? Band? or Choir?

6. Favorite game?

7. If you could go back in time would you? Where would you go back?

8. Where would you travel and why?

9. How did you get introduced to WattPad?

10. Are you a Potterhead or Twihard?

11. Who's your favorite character from your favorite game?

12. Do you like rollercoasters?

13. Do... you... have... a... pet? (Periods aren't necessary)

Good luck!

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