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I make my bed quietly as I pull the sheets tightly over my mattress. I smooth them with my hands and tuck the corners in. I realize it's meaningless but I feel compelled to complete this daily ritual as if it were any other day. You is like no other day in my 26 years of life. Today, I leave this world. No, not in the way you may be thinking...I am not ending my life or taking psychedelic drugs. I am literally leaving earth... in a spaceship. It's quite common these days, no longer exclusive to the ridiculously wealthy. I am leaving this world and everything in it behind to join the path makers. I have been chosen along with 150 other people to inhabit a new planet. We are like a medieval kings taste tester to make sure his food isn't poisoned. We are sent to set up a new Earth. Sure, space travel has been around for years within our solar system but we have not been able to venture much farther, as the farther you go into the unknown, the harder it is to return.

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