Chapter 14

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The rest of break, including New Years, went by faster than you could've imagined. Next thing you know, classes have started again. Ivan and the Baltics help you move all of your stuff back to your house. Ivan had to shovel the walkway to the front door before you could even start moving stuff back inside.

The inside of the house has gotten really dusty, so after everything's put away, the five of you do a thorough cleaning of the house. The Baltics leave afterwards because they have to get set up at their own places before lectures tomorrow. Ivan stays to help you go through your fridge. A lot of stuff has gone bad, so you decide to toss out everything and give the thing a good scrubbing to get rid of the smell of rotting food.

Once that's finished, you and Ivan walk to the store to buy more food. The two of you walk gloved hand in gloved hand with your scarves fluttering behind you.

Now that break is over, all of your classes decide to kick it into high gear. You're practically buried under all the work you have to do for school along with actual work. There's murmurings of the dreaded 6 letter word floating around campus already. Finals. Several of your classes have given you the topic for your final essay. A lot of students will put this off, but you know that the sooner you start the better. Writings never been your strong suit.

A few months pass in this craziness of classes and work. You still have found time to spend with Ivan and your friends. You've gone on two more dates with Ivan. The first, he took you ice skating at a frozen pond a little ways out of town. You've never really been skating before, but Ivan did his best to keep you from falling. Afterwards you went back to his house for hot chocolate. The second date consisted of pranking Alfred. The two of you built a snowman on his front porch, and then sent him a text.

It read:

Hey Alfred! Ive been standing in front of your house 4 like 3 hours open the door

You and Ivan hid behind a car parked in the street, and witnessed Alfred opening the door excitedly. Then he dropped in a dead faint when he saw the snowman and thought you had frozen over. On top of that, Arthur came to the door and started yelling at Alfred thinking he's the one who built the snowman on the porch. You were still laughing when Ivan took you out to get lunch.

Now it's the beginning of March, and you can't wait for spring break. You've received a letter from your parents containing a sizable check, and in the letter they tell you to buy plane tickets for you and Ivan to visit them over break. Yes, you and Ivan. You've been telling your parents all about him since you went on your first date, and so now they want to meet him.

Ivan took the news pretty well too. You were afraid he would freak out and not want to go. He actually seemed excited to meet your parents. Spring break starts tomorrow, so that's when you're leaving. You figured you'd get the most out of your break. You text Ivan one last time before going to bed to make sure everything's set. He responds back that, yes he is packed, and yes he knows what time to pick you up tomorrow for the airport. You tell him goodnight, and snuggle down into your bed for some sleep.

Ivan picks you up the next morning to drive you both to the airport. The two of you check your luggage in, go through security, and get breakfast, before your flight leaves. The flight itself wasn't that long, but you manage to fall asleep on Ivan's shoulder. You wake up to him poking your arm.

"Wake up подсолнечник (sunflower). We've landed."

After you get off the plane, the two of you find the luggage claim, and pick up your bags. You then make your way to the main doors of the airport because that's where your parents said they'd meet you.

"You'll like them," you tell Ivan. "They're pretty nice."

"If they're at all like you, I'm not worried," Ivan says a little nervously. "I am more worried about them liking me."

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