Chapter 26

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Ivan's face shifts from surprise to confusion to hurt and back to confusion. "Why?"

"M-my mom is sick," you tell him quietly. "I don't want to leave, but my dad needs my help while my mom's in the hospital."

"Oh sunflower, I'm sorry." He hugs you tightly. "It's going to be okay."

You clutch his shirt tightly as the tears finally fall from your eyes. "I-Ivan I'm s-s-so scared," you stutter out through your tears.

"I know подсолнечник (sunflower), I know. It's okay. You don't need to cry." He does his best to comfort you, but you let all of your frustrations out.

"It's not fair!" you wail. "I-I worked so hard to get my d-degree, and I was g-gonna get a job doing something I l-love, but then life had to k-kick me in the shins." You sob uncontrollably for a few minutes. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"I don't know," Ivan tells you. "But you will get through this (y/n). I believe in you."

You turn your tear stained face toward his. "I can't do this Ivan. I don't know what to do. My plan was to work for Honda-san, but now I don't know what to do. I have to leave Ivan!"

"I know подсолнечник (sunflower). It'll be fine. I'm here for you."

"Now you are, but you won't be forever," you say sadly. "You know you can't come with me. You're going to start your company with the Baltics. You have to stay here."

"But (y/n)-"

"Please don't make this harder Ivan," you say softly. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you throw your future away for me." You stand up, but you don't face him. "I'm sorry."

You start to walk toward the fountain. You're not sure where you're going, but you know you need to get away. Suddenly, Ivan hugs you from behind to keep you from walking any further.

"Sunflower, please wait."

"Don't Ivan. Please."

"(Y/n), I love you. Please listen to me," he begs. His voice is desperate.

You untangle yourself from his arms and lead him toward the fountain. You sit on the ledge, and Ivan does the same. The angel watches over the two of you protectively.The sound of running water is soothing, and you calm down a little.

"You can say whatever you want," you tell Ivan softly, "but I won't let you come with me."

"Da, okay," he says with a nod of his head. He pauses to think for a while. "Well, I know things look tough right now подсолнечник (sunflower), but if anyone can get through it, it's you. You're one of the strongest people I know. You're kind and caring and loving." He pauses again and looks your straight in the eye. "You're brave enough to face me on my worst day, and gentle enough to calm Natalya. Everyone love you (y/n). I'm very fortunate to have you in my life, and even more so that you feel the same way about me." He stands up with his back facing you and continues. "You're my light in the darkness. The only thing I have no regrets about. You keep me going when I can't go on, and sane when I can't hold on."

You hardly notice that tears had begun to streak down your face again. No one had ever said such kind things to you before. Ivan turns and faces you again. His eyes burn with an emotion you can't place. It's a mixture of love, desire, fear, and understanding.

"(Y/n)," he says lovingly. "I can't imagine loving anyone but you, sunflower. You've done more for me than anyone else in my life."

You're sobbing very hard now. How can you leave someone as wonderful as Ivan? You can't live without him.

"I know I'm not easy to love," Ivan continues. "I know I'm not easy to understand, and that I'm a danger to those around me. But you understand подсолнечник (sunflower). You are everything to me."

Ivan takes your hand and brings it to his lips. You wipe away the last of your tears. Ivan is making it harder to leave by the minute, but you had told him he can say whatever he wants. Then your heart almost stops when he gets down on one knee.

"(Y/n), I love you so very much. You're the only one in this world that has ever tried to love me the way you do. So I'm asking you here, in the spot I fell in love with you, if you will give me the honor of letting me be your knight?"

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box. Inside is a gorgeous diamond ring. Tears well up in your eyes again.

"Yes," you whisper to Ivan. "You can be my knight. Forever."

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