Chapter 22

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All you can do is stand and gape at Ivan's younger sister. Your brain is completely frozen over with fear. You need to get out of here, fast, but what about Ivan and the others? Maybe you should go warn them. Before you can do anything, another figure appears in the doorway.

"I brought the bags Natalya! Was he surprised?" You stare at the speaker, who looks very familiar. She looks like one of Ivan's matryoshka dolls. She drops the bags she's carrying and looks up at you. "Oh! You must be (y/n)!" She grabs you in a tight hug, and you do your best not to think about her large chest being pressed against you. 

"(Y/n)? What's taking so long?" Ivan asks when he appears behind you. He sees what's going on and freezes. "Katyusha? Natalya? What are you doing here?"

"Surprise!" Katyusha says as she releases you. "We wanted to surprise you with a visit. We're visiting for the holidays!"

Ivan goes pale at the announcement. He's probably thinking about spending the holidays with the crazy Belarus around. "That's wonderful Katyusha. Please, come inside. (Y/n) just finished serving some delicious pie."

Katyusha follows Ivan toward the dining room with a happy bounce to her step. You're about to follow when a cold hand grips your arm. You freeze. You'd almost forgotten about Belarus.

"I see you're still around," she hisses. "I thought I told you to stay away from Brother." Her grip tightens, and you brace yourself for the worst.

"Natalya." Ivan had come back when he noticed the two of you not following him. "Let to of her and come have some pie."

Belarus releases her hold on your arm and walks into the dining room without another glance at you. You let out a ragged breath you had been holding. Even with Ivan around, she still scares you.

"Are you alright подсолнечник (sunflower)?" Ivan asks you as soon as Natalya is gone.

"I-I think so," you reply, still a little shaken.

Ivan joins you at the doorway and closes the door, which has been open the whole time. Then he hugs you and kisses the top of your head. "I won't let anything happen to you this time, I promise."

You clutch the front of the sweatshirt Ivan is wearing and nod.

"Now come on. You still have a plate full of pie."

You and Ivan decide that it's probably in your best interest to not stay at Ivan's house over break this time. The Baltics stay though because they can help keep an eye in Belarus. Her presence doesn't stop you from visiting Ivan in your free time. When you don't have to work or help Honda-san, you're at Ivan's house. 

The first time you come over after Ivan's sisters arrived, Belarus answers the door. You nearly have a heart attack. Ivan saves you just in time because you're pretty sure she was about to reach for her knife. How does she get that past airport security anyway?

The second time Toris answers the door. He explains that Ivan warned the Baltics ahead of time that you were going to be coming. He didn't want a repeat of last time.

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