Chapter 16

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Top on everyone's list of priorities, is finding a job. You're going to be here all summer, so it's important to make money while you are. No one in the group is really rich either. Luckily everyone manages to get a job within the first few weeks. It's tourist season, and almost every business is hiring extra help.

Alfred gets a job at the local McDonald's. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone. The BTT and Elizabeta get a job waiting tables at a classy café. Lili, Vash, and Matthew get a job together at a cute little ice cream parlor. The Baltics find jobs working at the library, much to Eduard's delight. Both you and Arthur get cashiering jobs at a grocery store, which is something you're very comfortable with. Feli gets a job at a flower store. 

Everyone thinks they just want him to use as a smiley poster boy. Last, Ivan manages to find a construction site to work on. He comes home after work all sweaty, and often shirtless, but you don't mind one bit. You like walking to the site some days and eating lunch with him. 

Everyone is enjoying themselves immensely. The beach is by far the best part. Alfred can be seen riding waves every morning on his red, white, and blue surfboard. He's offered to teach people to surf with his spare board, so you and Elizabeta take him up on his offer. You and Elizabeta get pretty good at it, but Gilbert's has the real hidden talent.

"I. Am. Awesome!" he yells as he catches a huge wave. "Woooooooohoooooooo!" He jumps off the board into the water. "Bow to the King of Awesome Waves!" he says to you and Elizabeta after he swims back to shore with his board. 

"As if," Elizabeta replies, but then places a kiss in his wet hair. The two of them walk away together.

"Hello, подсолнечник (sunflower)."

You turn in surprise. "Ivan!" You jump up excitedly and give him a hug. "What's going on?"

"I'm going to work now," he tells you and gives you a kiss. "But, later tonight I have a surprise for you."


"Yes, so I will see tonight sunflower." He kisses you again, and this time it's deeper. 

He breaks the kiss and walks away. You wave to him as he goes. You look back to the beach and wonder what you should do for the rest of the day. 

"Hey, (y/n)!" Feli yells as he runs up the beach. "Come play with me and Matthew!"

You walk in his direction and notice a partially built sandcastle. "Need help with that?"

"Yes, if you don't mind," Matthew says quietly from behind the castle. 

The three of you spend the morning working on the castle. By the time you're done, Feli is buried in sand from his neck down, and Matthew is laughing so hard there's tears streaming down his face. The poor castle never got finished because Feli kept knocking something down. 

You excuse yourself to go deliver Ivan his lunch. You've made him a tuna sandwich and some deviled eggs. You also pack some chips and carrots. On the way out the door, you grab a red sports drink for him as well. Ivan really likes the red ones for whatever reason.

It doesn't take you long to walk to the construction site. Your sundress ripples in the breeze as you walk. It's such a nice day out. The weather hasn't been bad since you've gotten here. Ivan had been right about it being a magical place. You can't imagine anywhere more beautiful.

You wave to Ivan who is working on the roof of the building being built. He's got his shirt off, and he has a heavy looking tool belt around his waist, over his shorts. You blush slightly when he waves back. He's so hot you could die, but that would mean no more Ivan, so being alive is probably for the best.

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