Chapter 7: The Great Escape

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The caverns were like a gigantic labyrinth.

As she wandered around she found a prison. It was filled with all types of creatures. Deer, rabbits, foxes, wolves, owls, bats, and many fireflies.

"I have to free them." Luna said under her breath.

She looked everywhere for the key, but she just couldn't find it.

"Hey over here!" A familiar voice whisper yelled.

Luna spun around and saw Beca in a cell. "How were you caught?" Luna whispered back. "That is too long of a story, but I know where the key is." Beca muttered. "Where!" Luna asked. "The guard who checks on us every hour has it." Beca said quietly.

Luna's smile faded as she heard buzzing coming down the corridor. "Luna, hide!" The rabbit whispered. Luna ran behind a huge rock just as a beetle carrying a heavy key flew in.

The beetle set the key down on the rock Luna was hiding behind. "Who is the idiot now." Luna mumbled.

As the beetle turned his back on the rock Luna grabbed the key. As the beetle flew back towards the rock to get the key he saw it was missing. It flew around the cave a bit before checking behind the rock. *Evil buzzing* Luna yelped and smacked the beetle.

After doing so, Luna unlocked all of the cages. The beetle did a slightly quiet buzz before buzzing its wings very loudly. Down the hall, they heard very loud buzzing coming straight towards them.

"RUN!" Luna yelled before running with the animals towards the exit.

Once they got there a beetle yelled at them, *Pompous buzzing* Luna smacked the beetle with her bow and ran with the creatures out of the caverns.


"The Moon Queen escaped, My lord." A beetle said in a broken buzz like voice to a man wearing a crown with a blood red gem in the center.

"Would you like me too go after them?"

"No, you have proven to be useless to me."

"But my Lo-"

The beetle started choking, red wisps swirling around it. The man sighed, lowering his hand, the red wisps returning to him. He looked back to the remaining beetles. "Send the jaguars after them."

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~
EDIT 12/7/17
EDIT 8/21/18

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