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You had been hunting with Sam and Dean on and off for a few years. You were only 22, so they tried their best to check up on you and keep you safe. You made their job a lot easier after your apartment burned down by moving in with them.

You were currently sitting in the bunker, watching tv, and eating a bag of potato chips. Sam and Dean were at a local bar to get some drinks and probably fail at picking up chicks.

"(y/n)!" you heard a voice shouting. You weren't exactly sure who it was, but if they were in the bunker, they couldn't be bad. Right?

"Yeah?" you shouted in return.

Almost as soon as you said that, a man appeared next to you on the couch. You jumped and potato chips fell everywhere. The man snapped his fingers, and they disappeared.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?" you shouted in a frightened tone.

"No need to shout at me. Let's just calm down and use our inside voices." Lucifer replied, trying very hard not to laugh.

"Answer the questions," your voice was now very firm.

"I'm Lucifer. I just popped in here for a visit because that's what angels do." he said calmly, not the least bit worried about you trying to kill him.

"How do you know my name?" you asked, wondering why you weren't scared.

"You wrote (y/n)'s room, do not enter in drippy red paint on your bedroom door," he pointed out, wondering why you weren't trying to kill him or trap him.

"Oh," was all you could say, and you looked back at the tv.

"So," Lucifer said after a few minutes of silence. "What are we watching?"

"Parks and Recreation. I can change it if you want," you replied, reaching for the remote.

"No, no that's fine," he said, and snapped his fingers, refilling your empty potato chip bag.

"Thanks Luci Loo," you smiled as you took a drink of your pop.

"Well that was the first time a hunter ever offered to change the channel for the Devil." Lucifer said, and you almost spat out your pop when you started laughing.

"First time a hunter's called you Luci Loo?" you asked.

"Oh yeah! That too," he shouted enthusiastically.

You leaned over by him, and shushed him when you were really close to his face, then whispered, "inside voices," and slowly leaned away.

Lucifer just sat in silence for a minute while you stared intensely at him.

"Well then," he said in a very quiet inside voice. "First time you've ever told the Devil to use his inside voice."

You both spent a good half hour laughing and making jokes. Then Lucifer decided to start using terrible pick up lines on you. (Please hold while I Google terrible pick up lines...)

"Are you an angel who fell from heaven?" Lucifer asked, and put his arm around your shoulders.

"No, why?" You said, not quite understanding what he was getting at for a second.

"Well, you're really sweet and everything, I was just wondering what happened to your face," he answered in a very concerned tone.

"Oh, no actually I got hit by a truck," you both tried as hard as you could to maintain serious expressions.

Once you recovered from falling off the couch laughing, he decided to try again.

"So how much will twenty get me?" he asked, pulling a crumpled twenty dollar bill out of his pocket.

"Well, you have two options there. We can cuddle for twenty minutes if you're that kind of guy, or you can feel me up if you're that kind of guy." He thought for a moment, stroking his chin, and making it look like a very difficult decision.

"I think I'll take cuddling for twenty minutes." Lucifer decided finally.

You both stood up, sat back on the couch, and squirmed around trying to get comfy. You leaned back once you covered yourself with your blanket, and found that you were not leaning against the couch. Your back was against something much softer and warmer. You curious turned your head, and saw that it was one of Lucifer's (fucking huge) wings. You were surprised, but just snuggled into his side, and watched more tv until you fell asleep.

~time skip brought to you by Lucifer writing a fanfic about Lucifer~

You woke to the sound of the bunker door opening, and heard Dean yelling that they were home.

"Well Lucifer," you said in a very professional manner, "cuddling is one dollar every minute, but since I was asleep, it was about three dollars a minute. You owe me a lot of money sir."

He just gave you a weird look. For like three minutes. You heard Sam walking down the hallway to the living room, and Lucifer kissed your cheek before he disappeared. You figured he'd probably never pay you, but when you went to your room that night, there was an open brief case full of money on your bed, and a note that said:
See you soon, sweetie. ~Lucifer

Okay, so that's the end of that one. I don't know why I like writing fanfics about myself, but whatever. It's my life, I can do what I want. Sorry if it was terrible. I just woke up, and it took me an hour and 12 minutes to write this. I don't know why I said that. I should shut up... I'm gonna go get some food and watch Parks and Rec now. Bye.

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