The performance

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Hongbin felt that something was wrong. There was a strong tension between the members of the house. He saw them sitting around the table for breakfast, but nobody talked, which was unusual. He could understand that Hakyeon be angry. He had been locked up all day yesterday by Leo. The latter did not talk much but usually. Hongbin saw challenging the look of his boss, which was unusual. Ken was a great talker though he had not opened his mouth since his arrival in the kitchen. Moreover, he kept his head down and refused to look into Ravi's eyes. Hongbin even watched those before him. Something must have happened, he was sure. Did Ravi and Ken had fight because of Hakyeon? He knew that Ken used to take the defense of his boss. He care a lot about Hakyeon and that often annoyed Ravi. However, they had never fight to the point to not talk at each other. He coughed to attract their attention. "I've heard that we were going to have a nice day. No rain, "he said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. No answer. Everyone was focused on his meal. Hongbin felt helpless. "Hello, can i have my breakfast here ? "Asked a cheerful voice. Hongbin pounced on the new arrival. He had never been so glad to see Hyuk. The latter could perhaps help lower the tension in the room. "Waw Hongbin Hyung you never welcomed me like this before. Did you miss me ? "Asked Hyuk. Hongbin looked up at the sky. He had forgotten that this child had a crush on him. His gesture would cause problems, but he will later explain to Hyuk that he was not interested in him. For now, he needed his help. "Hyuk, something is wrong this morning," said Hongbin. " Why ? Omma has done whims? "Asked Hyuk. "Um, he was out yesterday without warning us and he was punished," said Hongbin in a small voice. "Omma? Punished? By who ? Who had the courage to do this? "Asked Hyuk. Hongbin pointed a finger at Leo. "Waw respect, I am a big fan of him. He dared to do what everyone wanted to do in this house, "said Hyuk. "YAAA Hongbin, you'll stop telling nonsense to my baby. Hyuk comes to see umma "yelled Hakyeon. Hongbin expected to receive the anger of his boss, but even better would rather see that scream to see calm. The house was missing too much atmosphere. He saw Hyuk make a smile and a goodbye of hand. "No umma, I gotta go. I do not want to be late for school, "said Hyuk. "Yaa Han Sanghyuk where are you going like this? Come back here right now, "said Hakyeon. But Hyuk was already out of the room. Yet Hongbin saw him return toward him. He slapped a big kiss on his cheek and said to Hongbin running towards the exit "bye Hyung, see you at the end of my class." Hongbin looked at him going out of the room helplessly. It was his fault. He came to give hope to a child who was in love with him. He should talk to him as soon as possible. Hyuk and him? No this should never happen. He sighed, turning to sit at the table. The coming of Hyuk had not been a great help. The tension was still there and he had to get in the shit. He lives Hakyeon get up and go to his room. "Ken, what's today's program? "Asked Hakyeon. "Um ... you have to repeat your choreography this morning and tonight you present a performance at the music show" Ken said flipping through his agenda. "Ok" said Hakyeon before disappearing. Ken did the same. Hongbin watched the two remaining men. The situation was worsening.

Leo had spent the remainder of the morning to go around the house and read some letters received by Hakyeon. He had to understand the connection between these letters and the message that the author was trying to convey. He had a very bad feeling. The word "today's record" recurred often in the letters and could afford to say it was the same person who sent all those letters. This person also skirted the world of Hakyeon. He gave examples which indicated that he was often at the same place as Hakyeon. Leo did not like it. The threat was closer than he thought. Still, he was careful to always inspect the area and the people who worked with his boss, but nothing. He had found nothing suspicious. His head was beginning to ache. He needed a break. He got up and took a few steps inside the house. His steps brought him to a place he did not used to go: the workspace of Hakyeon. He knew that his boss had installed a large studio next to his house. This allowed him to practice dancing and singing. It also served as his recording studio where producers were preparing his albums. Leo had never come inside, though this time he could not help to open the door. He saw no one inside. But the scenery was pretty impressive. There were on the walls pictures of Hakyeon at dance competitions or posters of the films where he appeared. On a shelf, Leo also saw trophies and prizes that Hakyeon had won during his career. Leo felt impressed by the exploits of his boss. Hakyeon was like a whiny man but he had fought hard in life to get here. Leo then felt great pride in working for the man. "Cha Hakyeon, the child prodigy" he read in a newspaper exposed in a glass case. He lives next to the article, a picture of a 10 year old child holding a trophy in his hands. The child was surrounded by a man and a woman who looked like him a lot. Was it Hakyeon's parents? Leo wondered. He was shocked by the fact that this child does not smile. He had just won a tournament but the child did not look happy. Leo then remembered the words of his boss. Hakyeon told him he felt stifling in the presence of his parents. Had they asked too mush to a child who only wanted to have fun and enjoy his childhood? Leo wondered. He felt sad for his boss. Leo continued to walk inside the studio until a music caught his attention. Someone had set a music. He followed the sound to a large room filled with mirrors. This was to be the training room Leo thought. He then saw a figure move before his eyes. At first he did not recognize Hakyeon giving him his back. He could see his muscles moving in his every move. Hakyeon was one with the music. Leo saw him jump into the air, roll over and even get up and turned like a whirligig. He moved on his tiptoe. Hakyeon was like a swan ready to take flight. He let his body follow the music and every gesture made him even more desirable. Leo could not take his eyes from the shape of Hakyeon. He was devilishly sexy. The way he moved his hips, the curve of his buttocks, the smile on his face and the beauty of his skin dressed in sweat beads. All the body language of Hakyeon made vibrate the body of Leo. Leo quickly hid when he saw Hakyeon turn off the music. Why is he hiding? He did not know it, but he was sure of not wanting to face Hakyeon at that time. His whole body was screaming with desire for this man. What was happening to him? He had seen a lot of dance but never his body had reacts so intensely. He felt his heart beating quickly in his chest, but it was not a problem. His problem was that he felt his pants become very narrow and he really needed to relieve himself. He quickly ran towards the door. No, he had to stay as far away from Hakyeon. He had already lost a job because he had slept with the wife of his boss. He did not lose his new job.

Leo found it hard to concentrate. He felt the presence of Hakyeon right next to him. He was on his way to music show. Hakyeon had to do a performance. He had not exchanged a word with his boss from the beginning of the day. This began to weigh on his conscience. Had he been too hard on him? But he was so afraid that his boss will be killed. He needed time to know the motivation of the author of the threatening letters. He saw the car park in front of the show music building. As always, hundreds of fans waiting to see their idol. Leo had many difficulties the last time to ensure the safety of Hakyeon. He felt the pressure in Hakyeon and could see fear in his eyes. Without thinking, then Leo put his hand on his. " I'm here. I'll protect you, "he said. He then received the first smile of Hakyeon since yesterday. "I know," replied Hakyeon before gathering his courage and open the car door.

"How is it possible that the performance is open to the public? We requested a closed room "Ken yelled. "This is the music show policy. Fans have been waiting since this morning to see their idol, we will not leave them outside, "said the assistant manager. "We have agreed to participate in this performance because you had guarantee us that there would be no public. We came to film just for television "Ken yelled. "Yes it will go on television but fans also have the right to participate and support their idol," said the assistant manager. Hakyeon knew that Ken had done its utmost to prevent him to make a public panic attack. In the presence of the people, even knowing that it was his fans, Hakyeon knew he was likely to lose concentration. He did not stop to think about his safety. And he is afraid of the people around him. This is why Ken had requested a closed room, but his plan did not work. Hakyeon need to accept the situation and show that he was a professional. The show will take place even if he was to be in danger . "Ken-ah that's ok, I would climb on stage. Prepare my clothes, "he said. He saw Ken watching him with big eyes. His decision was not ideal for his safety, but what could he do? His fans waited his performance.

Leo saw Hakyeon move on stage. He seemed so happy when he danced. A movement caught his eye. The projector above the head of Hakyeon had he moved? Leo did not think so. Yet a second crash was heard and Leo saw the object falling towards Hakyeon. He did not waste a second before throwing himself on his boss to protect his body. He had barely time to draw Hakyeon in his arms as the object hit the ground next to them. The room became dark. No light. Leo could hear the screams of the fans and their running out of the recording room. He could also feel Hakyeon shake in his arms. With the darkness, Leo could not see the face of his boss, but he knew that Hakyeon had fear for his life. He felt the saking becoming increasingly strong and Leo took him in his arms as hard as he could. " I'm here. I'm with you Hakyeon "he kept whispering, but it did not succeed in calming his boss. So without thinking, Leo put his lips on his. He needed to comfort Hakyeon. To show him that he was present at his side. He then felt Hakyeon cling to him. Leo could feel the body heat of his boss and all his forms against his body. This contact made him lose his mind and Leo deepened his kiss. He did not expect that Hakyeon respond to his kiss. Leo felt lost.

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