The suspect

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Leo had spent all day at the police station. With the help of a friend officer, he had access to the suspicious peoples files. These files could allow him to find the person who threatened Hakyeon. He felt tired and disappointed not to be able to get a clue. Yet he could still remember the person running before him. If he had been faster or if he had seen him earlier, may be he could.... He could not help but blame himself. Hakyeon's security rested on him, but he was not able to find a single clue. He opened the door of the house of his boss. He was ashamed of himself. Leo entered the room and was greeted with a lot of noise. What was happening ? He saw Hyuk in discussion with Hongbin and Hakyeon. Hyuk was holding an envelope in his back and refused to return it to Hakyeon. "Omma, you must first promise me that you'll let Hongbin spend a whole day with me outside," said Hyuk. "Well of course my baby , Hongbin is all yours. Now give me those pictures, "said Hakyeon. " I refuse. I'm not your slave Hakyeon but your employee. I refuse to go out with a child, "protested Hongbin. "It's just for one day Binnie, it will not kill you," said Hakyeon. " What do you know about that ? This child is a real little devil. I refuse to stay a single day with him, "said Hongbin. Hakyeon get angry. "Yaaaa Hongbin, you talk about my baby. He is not a devil but an angel. He is so adorable, "said Hakyeon touching Hyuk cheeks . The later gave him a big smile. Leo also noticed the presence of Ravi and Ken in the room, but they seemed to be in their bubble. Ravi whispered something in the ear of Ken and Ken will not stop laughing. Since when these two became as close wondered Leo. His attention returned to Hyuk who now brandished his envelope over his head. Negotiation between Hakyeon, Hongbin and Hyuk did not seem to move forward. Leo did not know what kinds of pictures it was but he was getting tired of hearing all the noise. He had spent a long day and he was tired. He headed to Hyuk and stole his envelope. He did not take time to listen to the complaints of the child and opened the envelope to drop the photos on the leaving room table. What he saw was a shock to him. The same sports outfit, the same shoes, the same black hair .... This was the image of the person who came to spy on them yesterday. Leo did not understand where those pictures came from. He turned to Hyuk. "Who owns these photos? "He asked. " Me, therefore you do not have the right to steal them. I was going to negotiate a way out with Hongbin and you just ruin everything, "said Hyuk angry. "Where did you take these photos? "Leo asked in a cold, menacing voice. Hyuk knew that the situation was not a joke. Leo seemed really angry. "Uh ... I live right next to the house of Omma and I ... uh .... I have the equipment to watch what happens in the house. So when I saw this person, I photographed him "said Hyuk in fear. "Yaaa Jung Leo, I forbid you to scare my son," interjected Hakyeon. Leo did not take the time to listen to him or to apologize to Hyuk. This child had spent his days spying on the house of Hakyeon, but thanks to him, Leo knew now the identity of the person who was pursuing his boss. The pictures were perfect. You could clearly see the face of this man. Leo did not know him, but he would find him and drag him to the police station. He gestured to Ravi and showed him a photo. "This is the person we want. It is he who seeks to harm Hakyeon "he said. Ravi took the picture and examined it. Leo saw his face turn into anger and incomprehension. Before Leo can ask him a question, he heard a cry. When he turned, he saw Hakyeon sitting on the ground crying.

Leo did not expect at all this eventuality. Hakyeon knew this man. Leo was curious. Who was he ? What relationship he had with Hakyeon? What he meant to Hakyeon? All these questions raced through his head. He was angry against this man and above all he felt something else that was hard to define. Yes the fact that this man took Hakyeon like a target made him want to hit him, but seing Hakyeon cry because of this man gave him even more eager to kill him. His boss seemed to be attached to that person. Why ? Leo wondered. He wanted to ask all these questions, but he knew it was not the right time. He saw Hakyeon still sitting on the ground weeping and Ravi tried to calm him. Ken did not know what to do to help so he would just look at them. "Why Ravi? Why would he do that ? No it is wrong. Tell me it's wrong. Minhyuk would never hurt me. He and I are one and the same person. He is the other part of me, "said Hakyeon crying. Ravi could not find the words to answer him. Hakyeon tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. "Why would he do that? We grew up together. He and I, we never hidden anything from each other. So why would he do that to me ? No, you are all mistaken. Minhyuk loves me, "says Hakyeon. Leo felt the eyes of Hakyeon land on him and he felt the ground opened beneath his feet. He was sick to see Hakyeon in this state. This man felt lost and sad. "Hakyeon, it's been years that you're not seen each other. Since your 18, Minhyuk and you had chosen a different path. You can not know what has happened to him in his life since then. Maybe he is jealous of your success? It's been a lot of years then you can not trust him as before, "said Ravi. "If I can not trust the people I love, then who can I trust ? Ravi told me in who ? All I have today: fame, money ... everything, he can take it, but I do not want to lose my confidence in him. Because if I can not trust him then how could I continue to trust others, to trust my family, or to trust YOU ​​"said Hakyeon. Leo felt screwed by these words. He had to help his boss. "My family has betrayed me, my friends betrayed me but no one ever wanted me dead. Am I a bad person? Are you suffered because of me during all these years? "Asked Hakyeon watching people around him. Leo, Ken and Ravi shook their heads, but Hakyeon could not stop. He was too sad. "I've always tried to do my best. I know I'm not an easy person to live with, but it does not change the fact that I love you all. Including Minhyuk. Sorry to disappointed you all. ohh how much I had disappoint him to the point for him to want my death. If this is the only way for him to be happy one day, so I hope he will succeed in killing me, "said Hakyeon. Leo was unable to bear these words. He rushed to Hakyeon, but he prevented him from touching him. He saw him get up and slowly turn to the door. Hakyeon did not even have the energy to cry. He seemed to accept his destiny. Leo watched him go with fear in his heart. This man was much more loving and fragile that one could imagine. He remembered the words of Ravi when he arrived in this house. Yes, Ravi was right. Hakyeon was fragile. He just hoped he would not try to take his own life.

Leo had asked Ken and Ravi to monitor Hakyeon while he was taking steps to meet this Minhyuk. He had managed to find him with the help of the police. Thus, the next night, they were at the police station to identify and talk to the suspect. Leo was worried for Hakyeon. The latter did not want to eat or drink. He also declined to press charges against Minhyuk. But in view of the circumstances and because the lives of others were threatened, Minhyuk would still go in prison. Hakyeon could not change that. The only thing he could do was to talk to him to understand the reason that prompted him to try to kill him. They had fifteen minutes. Leo had accompanied his boss to the door of the interrogation room. He was about to leave when Hakyeon took his hand. His hand was very cold. Leo had struggled so much to control his emotions, so as soon as he felt the hand of Hakyeon against his, he exploded. He took him in his arms and hugged him. He wanted so much to tell him he was there for him, but no sound could come out of his mouth. He then heard a little voice say: "I'm afraid Leo." Leo then took his face between his hands and kissed him.

No he was not jealous, tried to think Leo. Yet he felt his anger rise whenever Hakyeon put his hand on Minhyuk's hand. How Hakyeon could still trust this man? he asked himself. He had tried to kill him. "I swear Hakyeon, I did nothing. I just wanted to see you. For years we have not talked together. Grandmother died and I have no one to turn to. So I thought to see you, but there are so many people around you that i was scared . But I swear that I never wanted to hurt you. You must believe me, I did not even know that someone wanted to kill you "Minhyuk said. "I know Min-ya. I know you would never hurt me, "replied Hakyeon. Leo had left them talk together without intervening even if he had one wish: to hit this Minhyuk. He did not believe him. He had no confidence in him. Yet Hakyeon seemed to trust him. "Do you believe everything he said? "Leo asked when they came out of the interrogation room. " I do not know. I know nothing more. I just want to sleep and not wake up. I need to be alone for a few minutes, "said Hakyeon. Leo understood his condition. He let him go without reacting. They had already capture the criminal. He could give to Hakyeon a few minutes of freedom.

Leo looked at the video recorded on the monitoring screen. How could he be so stupid? He had left Hakyeon for a few minutes and now he saw on the screen that a man came to kidnap him. He had knocked him out from behind and put him in the trunk of his car. Fortunately the security camera had filmed everything and that one policeman had called as soon as he saw the scene. They still had time to catch the car and save Hakyeon. Leo turned to one of the officers, "find as many people as possible , we have to stop this car. Hakyeon life depends on it, "he said.

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