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" Ravi, I swear you'll canceled all his promotions. This becomes dangerous for Hakyeon "Ken yelled. "And what do you want me to do? shouting from the rooftops that our idol is afraid to leave his house because someone is trying to kill him, "said Ravi screaming too. "You do not need to tell everybody, but you can at least choose safer programs," Ken said. "Does you think I'm not worried? I also do not want Hakyeon be hurt, but I'm not clairvoyant to know where the threat will strike, "said Ravi. "So cancels all his promotions" Ken said. "It is not as easy. We have already made commitments. And if the news gets out that Hakyeon receives death threats, it will be even more difficult to handle the situation. Think of the anger of the fans, "said Ravi. "I prefer Hakyeon living with me that death to satisfy fans" screamed Ken. Hakyeon watched Ken and Ravi arguing in the living room. He barely listened. He could remember only one thing during the evening: it was his fear when the room was plunged into darkness. He still felt a shudder thinking back to that time. Something had fallen beside him. He could still hear the noise in his head. "Crac" had made the big projector before diving towards him. Yet he was on stage hundreds of times since his childhood, but he had never experienced such a thing. He had faced ridicule, humiliation, low blows and even insults. But anybody never had wanted to take his life. So what would want this person? Why does he hated him so bad ? Was he really a bad man who deserve such a punishment? In his life he had advanced despite what one could say about him and he had suffered to get here. He had managed to find people who liked him not for what he could bring to them, but just for him. He, Cha Hakyeon, an imperfect man who had so much love to offer. He looked at Ken and Ravi still involved in their dispute. These men fought for him. For him to survive. It was also one who had risked his life by protecting his body. Leo. Hakyeon turned his head to the corner of the living room. He saw him standing in the corner and keeping his head down because he was shameful for not having been able to prevent this attack. Hakyeon wanted to get up, take him in his arms and tell him that it was not his fault. But he was unable to get up from his chair. His whole body seemed to freeze. He felt that pain. The pain of hurting his family. The pain of feeling targeted by a mental disease person. What will he do now with his life? Should he hide as like Ken said or should he fight and agree to follow Ravi ? He felt dizzy. He had to go. Exit this room and hide one where nobody could see him. He needed to think alone. He tried to get up from the chair but he lost strength in his legs. He fell back into the chair. He saw Leo rushing towards him and offer his help. Hakyeon could not refuse. He wanted to leave the room as soon as possible. The atmosphere was suffocating.

Leo led Hakyeon in his room. He felt broken and he blamed himself for not having seen the threat earlier. If he was not focused on the dance of Hakyeon, he could see in time that the wire of the projector had been cut. What a bad bodyguard he was doing. He was ashamed to look in Hakyeon's eyes. He was incompetent. He turned to the door to let his boss meadows alone in the room when he felt a hand holding his. In surprise, Leo looked at Hakyeon in his eyes. The latter seemed terrified. " Can you .... Can you stay a little ... it's .... it's not that I'm afraid ... it's just .... .it's just that uh .... "said Hakyeon. Leo interrupted him "I understand Hakyeon. I would stay here until you want me to leave, "he said. He lives Hakyeon make a little nod. Then he staggered toward the bathroom. Leo saw him leave with great sadness. How he wished he could take him in his arms and comfort him. How he would tell him that everything will be fine and he will be at his side to protect him. He heard the water sink in the bathroom. Hakyeon needed to relax, he thought. This observation made him turn the course of his thinking. Leo could not help but see the naked body of Hakyeon in the shower. The softness of his skin under the water droplets. Their kiss of the evening came to his mind and Leo felt his body alight. He tasted his lips and to be honest they were so silky that he wanted to start over. What was happening to him? He needed to get out of this room. Yet Leo stood before the door of the bathroom and continued to imagine the body so bewitching of his boss.

It was a cry who made him open the door of the bathroom with fury. Was someone dared to attack Hakyeon? He ran inside the bathroom and stopped short at the sight of the naked body of Hakyeon lying on the ground. What had happened? Had he slipped? Leo ran to him and helped him to take a sitting position. He wanted to say he was professional but Leo had to admit that his eyes could not break free from the view of the naked body of his boss. This perfect body dressed in drops of water. He slid his gaze to a certain part of his anatomy and Leo felt that this was the end for him. How was he going to remove this picture of his head? His desire tingled all over and he began to have trouble to refrain himself. This thing dew was near him and yet so far. He wanted to drop all the kisses of the world on this skin so delightful and captivating. He did not think to refrain himself longer. That's when he heard small sniffles. Hakyeon was crying. He had finally shed the tears he had refused to let free since his confrontation with death. Leo took him in his arms and began to tell him sweet words. He had to console him. Hakyeon buried his head on his chest and continued to cry. Leo let him do. This man was broken.

Hakyeon did not know when he fell asleep, but when he awoke he saw Leo lying beside him in his bed. Hakyeon began to look at his face so beautiful and angelic. The man who yesterday was unknown, had become an important person in his life. This man had saved his life. Yet Hakyeon knew Leo was angry for not having prevented the incident. Hakyeon felt a huge debt to him, but he felt something else. Something deeper than mere gratitude. He felt living with this man. With him, he wanted to laugh and to hug him even though lately, they haven't much occasion to laugh. Beside him, he felt his heart beating fast in his chest and his eyes settle on parts of his body that made him blush. He let his hand brush his cheek. His skin was soft as silk. Hakyeon then began to stroke his hair. He only felt the eyes of Leo on him when the latter put his hand on his. Then His eyes met those of Leo . Hakyeon wanted to talk, just to say something. But the power of the look of Leo made him shut up. There were too many emotions in his chest and he could not get them out by speech. Leo always continued looking at him without saying a word. Hakyeon felt then attract to him like a magnet and felt his lips touching those of his bodyguard. It was a light kiss, but that kiss had managed to comfort Hakyeon more than all the words that Leo could have told him. He felt soothed. He nestles in the arms of Leo and the latter let him do. Hakyeon felt safe in the arms of this man. No fear. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Ken could not stop walking in his room. Had he done too much? Yet he did not regret having yelling at Ravi. Hakyeon should be protected. He heard a knock at his door. Ravi's head appeared behind the door. " Are you calmed down or do I have to come back later? "He asked. Ken beckoned him to enter. "I'm getting really worries Ravi" Ken said. "Me too," said Ravi. "I am also sorry for yelling at you," said Ken. "Me too," said Ravi. There was a silence. They did not know what to say. They had not talked much together since they had kissed by mistake. Ken coughed to give himself courage. "Er ... I'm sorry for the last time. I wanted to thank you for your gift and ... and .. "says Ken. Another silence fell before Ravi opened his mouth. "To tell the truth, I do not regret that it happened. I really enjoyed the experience, "said Ravi. Ken felt his cheeks become red. Had he misheard Ravi's words ? He looked up to make sure he was not dreaming. His eyes met those of Ravi. He seemed quite serious. Ken did not know what to say. "And if one of these days, you wanted to repeat the experience, I would be quite happy to help you," continued Ravi ending with a wink. Ken saw him leaving his room helplessly. Ravi, had he made him a proposal? Ken felt a hot flash seize his body. He needed air. Ravi had just confess to him. He wanted to scream his joy. He opened the windows of his room and breathed fresh air. He had to slow the beating of his heart. Ken smiled like an idiot and jumping up. That's when he wanted to close the windows that Ken noticed a human form who was watching what was happening in their home. This person was dressed in sportswear with a hood to conceal his identity. In shock, Ken began to cry. He heard footsteps and people push the door of his room. Ken did not look back. He was pointing the location of the individual who had just started to run.

Leo ran with all his strength behind that person. How had he dared to spy on their house? Was it the pervert who threatened Hakyeon or a fan a little too forward? Whatever the answer, Leo did not want to lose track of this man. He had to protect Hakyeon. He jumped the fence and increased his speed. This person also ran very fast. Breathless, Leo lost track of the person. But he was glad of one thing. He finally had information which enabled him to start his research. He should focus on a young man who had his size. This option allowed to eliminate all women working with Hakyeon and all letters that came from female fan. His investigation could begin.

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