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When Hakyeon opened his eyes, he was greeted with great pain in his head. What was happened ? He tried to remember. He remembered having met Minhyuk to the police station. He still could not believe that his friend wanted to kill him. Minhyuk had wept and said he was innocent. He could only trust him. He was his only friend and his only comfort during all the years that he had suffered. He trusted his friend. Besides Hakyeon had to admit, Minhyuk was currently in the police station, while he was in a cold room with lot of light . Hakyeon felt the burn of cold on his bare skin. Where was he ? Hakyeon tried to get up but his head made him suffer horribly. He also felt that his hands and feet were tied to this flat and cold surface. What was happening to him? He heard a laugh at the time. Someone was near him. Hakyeon began to panic. What want this person? Why had he tied his hands and his feet? His fear increased even more when Hakyeon knew where he was. It was cold because they were in a refrigerated room. He could see in the distance the body of dead animals hanging on hooks. Would he end up like them? He felt his heart beating very fast in his chest. Leo? Where was Leo? He had asked him to leave him alone for a few minutes. Did he know that he had been kidnapped? Was there anyone to help him? Hakyeon felt his tears on his face. No, he didn't want to die. He would not die. Hakyeon began to move more and more. He need absolutely to taking off his ties if he want to have the chance to survive. "In your place, I would not do that Yéonie. You would venture to leave scars on your lovely skin, "said the voice of a man. Hakyeon stopped in shock. That voice, he knew it. She had always had the gift of giving him chills. He believed in his life, he would never have to hear again that voice. Yet it was that voice who had addressed to him. Hakyeon plunged into his memories.

" Again. Do it again. Do you think one day being the best with such a low endurance? Get up. I want you to do it again, and I want it now, "cried the voice of his father. "Appa, it's hurt. I danced all day. My feet hurt me, "said a young Hakyeon crying. "You dare to cry in front of me. How many times do I have to say to you that a man does not cry. Dry those tears quickly if you do not want to be punished "his father said. Hakyeon tried to stand up but the pain made him fall to the ground. "Aih ..." said Hakyeon falling. He saw his father to head toward him and he received a big slap. Hakyeon could no longer hold back his tears. It was too bad. It had been years that this situation repeated itself, from its 7 years. Yet he could not get used to the beatings his father gave him. He too wanted to become stronger. He wanted to be the best for his father to be proud of him. He wanted to hear him one day tell him he was proud of him. But he might try, he received only blows. He had learned long ago that the best technique was to lie on the ground and to accept blows without reacting. More you moved and more the blows were strong. Hakyeon closed his eyes and let his father hit him in the stomach. In a few minutes, he will calm down and leave him to rest for an hour before asking him to do it again. He heard the door of the ballroom open and his mother lay on him begging his father to stop. "Stop, you'll kill him. There is a competition in a week. If you brokes something in him, he will not participate to the competition, "said her mother. These words brought back his father to reality. He turned to the door and shouted a "I leave him to you" before leaving the room. His mother made him sit on the floor and began to look at the wounds on his body. "You know, you should not stand up to your father. He wants only your good. Soon you will be the best and everyone will want to recruit you, "said her mother. The best ? According to whom? Hakyeon just wanted to be a normal child. Play with friends, doing stupid things and have parents who loved him because he was their son, but not a source of money. He let his mother take him in her arms. He was going to tell her anything. He would just endure the pain. Because he knew it. Yes, he knew that this would happen again and again. It should be used to this situation, but he could not.

Hakyeon knew the pain this man could inflict him. He could hear the sound of a knife slide on a metal. Was he going to kill him because he had abandoned him ? Hakyeon began to beg. He absolutely had to receive help otherwise it would be the end for him. His father was not one to forgive. "Your mother left me. She said that without you, she was not interested in me anymore. She wanted to replace me with a younger man. I left her a gift that she will remember all her life. You too have wanted to leave me. I left you time. You spent your time with these people you call your family. This Ravi has taken advantage of the results of my work. It's me who made you what you are now. It's me who makes you the best. So I expect you back. You will stay beside me. Do not worry, I'll take good care of your body. I could admire you every morning, "said his father. Hakyeon panicked even more. "Appa, it's my fault. Please forgive me, I promise that I would be wise. I would stay beside you, and I'll do whatever you tell me. Appa please, do not kill me, "wept Hakyeon. He saw his father frown. "Um ... Again tears. How many times do I have to say that a man does not cry. You already start to disobey me. I no longer believe in your words Yéonie. I'll take you all. All I gave you: your life, your glory and your money. You belong only to me. Your body is mine, "said his father directing the knife to the heart of Hakyeon. Hakyeon screamed. No he would not die. He heard at that time a shot followed by another. His father staggered but still tried to hurt him with the knife. Other shots were heard and the father of Hakyeon fell to the ground. Police invaded the room. Hakyeon could barely hear them, his heart was broken. He felt a hand settle on him and free his hands and feet. A hot body stuck to him and arms squeezed him against a chest. "Hakyeon, it's me, it's Leo." Hakyeon heard these words but could not understand. He didn't want to understand anything.

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