Zombie Girl XIII. Run and Hide

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You had to force yourself to leave Zack to fight of the soldiers, as per his request.


His words still shouted in the back of your mind like a loud church bell, as you crawled your way through the ventilation systems. You were lucky you had found the hatch when you did, you didn't know how long Zack could hold them off for. 

You could still feel the warmth of Zack's lips from where he had kissed you on your forehead, and you weren't sure what that feeling was that made your stomach feel fluttery and queasy from just the thought. For now, you had to focus only on escaping.

You weren't too bothered by the undead who had been let loose. There were enough soldiers in the ShinRa facility to restrain or kill them. You couldn't remember how many they had brought in to test, but you were guessing 10 or less. 

The vents were stuffy and hot, but it didn't stop your hurry to escape. At this point you had no idea where you were going, you only hoped it was bringing you closer to the outside world. Just getting yourself out was all you needed to think about. Although, what were you to do when night fell? 

Fear struck you suddenly from the mere thought. It hadn't even crossed your mind.  

Before you could panic, you saw and end to the ventilation system and without hesitation, crawled towards it. Reaching the end you peered through the narrow slits to assess the room it dropped into.

You spotted a desk a few sleek chairs and a wall that was a full length glass window, that looked out over the safe side of Midgar. 

This was perfect. Your way out. 

Twisting yourself around in the enclosed space you managed to kick the metal vent cover off from its screws causing it to clatter to the floor. You slipped out and landed onto the floor of the office, your gazed trained hopefully on the window. You hoped to Etro is wasn't bullet proof, otherwise you would be out of options. 

Just as you went to pick up the office chair to break the glass, your breath caught in your throat as a loud growl emitted from the background behind you. You swivelled round to see a large black beast with sharp pale yellow claws and knife like canines that pointed out slightly from its upper lip. 

Why on Gaia was there a black panther in an office? Was it a pet? 

This could be trouble...

Your muscles tensed as the beast set a large black paw forward before the sound of a door opening reached your ears. 

No, not now! You were so close!

It was a man that stepped through the door, and to your relief without any guards or SOLIDERS. You didn't miss the way his eyes narrowed the moment he noticed you as his stepped in, letting the door close behind him. You knew in an instant who this man was, how could you not, when his face used to be all over the news.

The Rufus ShinRa. 

And this was his office that you had ran into. 

The both of you stood opposite each other, sizing each other up, him with a calculating glare you you with a cautious gaze. His eyes ran down your body, your clothes, that were rugged and bloody. 

His eyes widened the slightest bit in recognition and your eyes followed as his hand reached into his clothes, slowly pulling out a gun.

Rufus was confused however, your unclean skin, wild eyes and blood caked clothing were all clear telltale signs of what you were, yet you hadn't attacked him. You stood there like a deer caught in headlights, watching his every move, as if you feared he would point his weapon at you. He knew it was silly, but he had to find out that what he was seeing wasn't an hallucination. 

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