Chapter 5

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A/N: Okay my phone stopped working so I could update sorry everyone and without further a do here's chapter 5!!!         


Sting POV:

" hmm?"

" are you sure that your okay?" said Lucy with a worried face. I didn't want her to look so worried about me so I didn't answer .

" sting ... something is wrong! tell me whats wrong!"

I sight as I wondered if I should tell her. I looked at her for a second then looked away before telling her.

" well... master killed Lector... and mistress transported him to another dimention and if I win the games then she will bring Lector back and if I don't then ill never see Lector again..." after telling her everything Lucy looked looked worried. I really didn't want her to worry " well I won't be participating in the finals because both our teams form into one team" said Lucy

" Sting... do your best"

" ah... thanks blondie" I responded with a smile.

" you finally smiled" lucy said with a smile

" eh?"

" You look best when your smiling stingy bee!"

" um..thanks?blondie"

" well I better get back before anyone worries about me" said Lucy before standing up

" hmm.. good night blondie"

" good night stingy bee don't let the bugs bite! bye!"

After sticking out her tongue at me she walked away and into her hotel

I went back after a couple second later


A/N: sorry took me long time to update but how was it I'm trying not to make sting to OOC as possible.

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