Chapter 1.) Lucy

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Lucy POV)

Lucy will you like to share your parents job called the teacher,
Well um I don't live with my parents I actually live with my aunt and she work as a maid in a hotel she take me , but mostly I just take some money from my piggy bank and go to the candy machine and get some candy but if I don't go with her she come back with candy I said looking at the class . so what are your parents job? Called out jimmy one of my class mate , my mom visit me bit I never saw my dad but I know my daddy does work hard that why he never see me my mom to but she see me for my birthday and it is coming up next week I'm turning 13 I said very happy. I came walking from school to my home but sometime I do wonder why doesn't my dad don't see me am I a mistake he doesn't want to see me ...........NAH my mom said he work hard so he should do his thing , LUCY is OK but I just want to see him ,great I'm talking to myself.......

Chrissy POV ) she Harley sister aka Lucy aunt I don't really know her name )

I turned on the TV seeing a girl with blue hair on the side and the other side with red with a white face paint and seeing a crazy guy with green hair with a purple suit, when well she actually get a non crazy man , look mister j a camera man said Harley on TV joker point a gun at the camera and shoot it . Oh Harleen will you ever get a man that not crazy I went to make some food for lucy . Hearing her walking in the foot steps , O LUCY sweetie um I am afraid i can't take you to work cause you know problem but I did made you some food so you won't get hungry and I promise I will come back with candy on table tomorrow I said , TOMORROW what why OH never mind lucy said sadly, I'm sorry honey but candy tomorrow morning and two more days till your birthday and you mother coming on Monday I said, well I know just.......
beep beep beep chrissy watch beeping crazy mean she need to get to work now! Um ya we can hold this convo later bye sweetie remember lock the door don't talk to stranger or open to them and remember food on the table bye love you *door shut* .

Lucy POV)

Bye love you.....
I grab my food turn of the TV seeing two people one kind of look like mommy could that be mommy?

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