16.) Danger

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Lucy pov)
"We're here Bernie..", I said whispery. "Okay, see that air vent, go to it and then find the dorm your parents are in, you got all that?", explained Bernie. "Nope", I said with confidence. "Uhhh just do it", said Bernie. I quickly un screw the bolts and went inside finding the dorm that my parents are in.
Nobody pot
"My hugging teddy bear daughter!", said Harley. "You mean the disappointment who is my daughter", said joker. " puddin.... don't be like that she doesn't want to follow her parents her footsteps, what's wrong about that pud?", said Harley. "She's normal that's what! If she wants to go to college next I'm going to kick her o-", joker got cut off by a loud crash that happened in there dorm. "What about me? Old man...."said Lucy."buggy near your saving us" , proudly said Harley. "Yeah Ma! I need food!", joke Lucy. "You all forgot I was here too?", said Bernie. "Oh it's you..", said joker."is a nice pleasure to meet you crazy ass", said Bernie." Whatever...guys it's are time to leave", said Harley."me first" , said joker rudely shove Harley the way and jump into the air vent. " and by the way I was wrong! Lucy your a amazing disappointment by sending your dad free but not your mother", laughed joker who which shut the air vent and screw the bolt with the tool. "THAT FUCKING LOSER", shouted Lucy. "This why I never trust that turd tickler!" , said Bernie sassy way."well to get the way out is by shooting why you like to do that my lovely mother", said Lucy handing her hammer and gun. "My daughter is the best ever ! And is the pleasure", bowed Harley. " well let's get this party started!", said Lucy.
Still no one pov)
Harley smash the door and shouted all the guys and Lucy quickly went to the control room and let all Harley some of her  "friends" out and helped her out. Some died by cops and some got away, some got lazy and went back there dorms, and some even got caught by the cops. Lucy threw the smoke bomb on the floor while wearing a gas mask. She quickly try to run towards her mom while she stop and found one the cops dragging the joker on the floor to back to he's dorm.
Lucy pov) {mind}

He left you Lucy you ain't going back! But he's your dad you have to.. he's a Turd guy don't go back. Go back. Don't go back. Go back. Don't . Do. Don't .Do. Don't! DOOO
Lucy quickly picked the gun on the floor and shot the cop and picked her dad and ran to her mother. Wow that was my first time killing someone and shooting someone but it was all because of my father. I guess I started my adventure. "Mom take him he's heavy " , I shove the body to my mom. " thanks sweetie and Bernie save too", said mom. "Let's go home", I said

1 hour  later

I went to my room and took off my makeup but my skin is permanently white like my mother and the old man " Lucy", yelled the devil himself.
I walked in seeing my father on the couch all band up and a ice pack on top of his green hair. "So I realize something and it was that your not a disappointment after all", completed the joker. "T-thanks? I guess..", I said. "Here I forgot", said joker while throwing something. "THANKS! What is it?" , I said. "Your first bullet when you saved me, god that's so cheesy so corny but yeah.. now go away before I kick you out!" ,Said joker. I quickly ran off and hugged him and got off and said "thanks". " no problem kiddo now get out before the water works come" , chuckle dad.

No one pov)
"See puddin it wasn't that hard!" Said Harley. " She may not be a disappointment anymore but... she have many more things to impress me" ,said joker " because of course I'm the joker! BATMAN GREATEST VILLAIN EVER!" , Shouted joker

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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