7.) MEAT

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Lucy pov
I put the food away and heard the door open . Oh hey mom I called out , hey sweetie answer my mother ,um where aunt ivy at ?. She at work I said back, Oh , So where did you hide the meat said mom.

(SEE IVY DO NOT LIKE MEAT or will never eat meat so ya)

30min later

Aunt ivy came out the door and saw me and mommy eating meat in my room.HARLS!!!!!LUCY!!!!! Said Aunt ivy . Hey red SOOO I can explain I um .........wants some :D Say mommy , Oh harls -0- said aunt ivy ,So I'm gonna take Lucy for a play date at the mall she will be back in hour so you- mommy said cut off ,harley if you take her to the hou- said aunt ivy cut off too, red I'm not gonna do that i swear anyways Lucy go get your shoe WERE GOING SHOPPING! Ivy wanna come said mom , Nah I'm gonna go to the bank said aunt ivy . Awww ok bye ivy I will bring you some thing back love ya

Sorry it was short I swear next chapter it will be better.

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