Chapter 15

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It has been two weeks since Ariana left. I wished she could be right besides me. Everyday, all day. I had two days off coming up in two weeks..maybe... no I didn't know how to visit her in America with only two days. Well on the bright side. I was back at my place. It was nice, but I missed having someone always around. In my kitchen, I put a kettle on the stove. Time for a cuppa. I smiled to myself.

I heard my mobile ring from the couch. I ran to it, hoping it was Ariana. INCOMING CALL, JAYBIRD. I picked it up and hear his voice, "Hey Nath."

"Hey Jay. You alright mate?"

"Yes. No. Kinda. I need some advice. Well not advice, but help. Well not necessarily help, but more like-"

"Jay. Spit it out."

"I have a erm date with Lennox tomorrow and we have been talking for the last couple of weeks and, " he paused, "she doesn't know I am in The Wanted."

"If you really like her then why wouldn't you have just told her?"

"Because Nath, I want her to like me. Me as in Jay not Jay from The Wanted."

I understood where he was coming from. It was different for me and Ariana because we were both famous. "I understand mate. So what exactly do you need my help with?"

"Basically well, " another pause, "I don't know, I'm just extremely nervous and don't want to get tangled up in my lies. Wow that sounds awful."

"It kind of does. When do you want to meet?"

"Whenever you can."

I took the kettle off the burner, "Okay how about the little coffee shop we always go to in 10 minutes."

"Alright. Cheers Nath."


I just arrived at the coffee shop. Waiting for Nath, I looked at the menu. I knew that menu like the back of my hand, but I had nothing better to do. The door jingled, signalling someone coming in. I turned and saw Nathan.

I waved, "Hey thanks for coming Nathan."

"Of course Jay."

"Wanna sit down."

"Not until I have my cuppa." I rolled my eyes. Nath and his tea. I saved us a table in the corner. Within a few minutes, Nathan and his cuppa joined me. He took a deep sip of it, savoring it.

"It's good I take?"

He nodded and asked, "Okay so if you're not Jay from the Wanted then you are Jay from what?"

"Not Jay." I reluctantly said.

"What?" He was clearly confused.

"I told her my name was Joey."

"Joey! Why Joey?"

"I don't know. Well I was like, 'My name is J-' and then I stopped so I panicked and quickly finished, 'oey. My name is Joey.' "

"Why would you make up your first name and not last name?"

"I don't mate, I clearly wasn't thinking straight."

"Okay well never mind that. You do realize that she will have to know the truth sometime. Honestly the sooner the better."

"I know. I hate lying to her, but I really like her." I honestly hated lying to her, but I couldn't take the chance that she would only go out with me for the fame.

"Okay as long as you have thought this through." I nodded, "Okay so you are Joey McGuiness who does what for a living?"

"I told her I work for a record label." That's technically not a complete lie.

Almost is Never Enough, A Wanted FanficWhere stories live. Discover now