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There was only sound.

There were... waves? Yes, waves. They were crashing against... I'm not quite sure. But there were waves. And birds. I could hear birds. They were hungrily cawing at their surroundings.

I could feel my body shaking. But I wasn't afraid. The sounds where overwhelming yet they were welcoming. Calming almost. I could feel the sounds. They were apart of me and I was apart of them.

I could see nothing but black. It was everything and nothing all at the same time. The blackness consumed me and was apart of me. I was apart of it.

I could feel sand. The small grains stuck to my face, neck, and hands. Scratching against my skin until I was numb.

I could smell the salty air. The humidity was making it hard to breath. Sweat clung to my skin causing the sand to stick to my body everywhere it touched.

I opened my eyes. At first the world was a blur. Once my eyes focused I knew where I was. We were at the march to the sea.

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