Chapter 12: Got a Secret, can you keep it?

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Walking down the hallway of of the school making my way to out first period. I was thinking of so many things wail looking at the window spacing out to planet Gregory. Thats the name me and Yuu use when we space out. Thinking about Yuu were is she? I looked around but didn't see her so I continue walking to the classroom when suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. Looking at the person who was in front of me he had red hair which I have to say it was he had a nerdy look. "Miss I got some bad news" he said "is Yuu okay?!" I asked almost falling to hysteria"She is but now your asleep" I said looking at him directly to the eye slowly looking at the swirls that were forming and the only thing that I remembered was pitch black....

Kendra POV
BOB was making me do some stupid physical test and it was a piece of crap and more seeing this people bossing me around like I am junk. Just wait a bit more and the plan ho perfect. I accidentally smirked wail doing mental test. "Are you that confident?" BOB said as I only glared. This fucker makes my temperature get lose "As hell". When I said that I beat her and then I stood up "is that all then I will go around the school" I said wail standing up making my way to the door. "Okay then" she said smiling as I looked around the school. I cam tell this place can be easily to destroy with just a little bomb. Looking around I found this little room with the label of 'Office please don't enter with out any authorization' I only smirked as I slowly turn into shadows making the collar that was on my neck fell to the floor making a little 'klick'....

Takeo POV
I right on my communicator trying to reach BOB but no one answered, so I tried to communicate with Kii but no luck either....Weird so I texted the guys.
Me:'Hey guys the communicators are not working so lets meet in the cafeteria'
Yuu:'yeah, and question has anyone seen Kii?'
Rin:'not here in the basketball court'
Takano:'nor in the library'
Aoda:'you went to the library?!!(◎_◎;)'
Takano: 'I was just checking'
Kii:' Guys go to Akiyama now!!!'
Me :'okay Kii we will see ya there'
Yammy:'Okay we are on our way'

>time skip (*☻-☻*)<
We all walked by the hallways of Akiyama looking for trouble and we were all ready to fight. Looking around there was no one to see no to hear not even Isao. "Guy is it just me or the school feels empty?" I asked when suddenly we all heard a crash. I hide behind a wall moving my hands try to tell them to take cover. I slowly peek just to see the devil....Jack!

Jack POV
I took fainted Kii to the office and yes it was me but you know this will me I secrete not to let anyone know. I walked by the hallways thanks to Kendre this will be a piece of cake. I start to laugh evilly wail going to the office. Soon the real fun will start but that will stay a surprise for Akiyama.... No BOB no rules thats how we play here.

~To be continued

Yuu: thats was a great ending
Takeno: I know but our date was better *smirks*
Yuu:*punches him in the face* that will be all for this chapter is done
Aoba,Yammy,Kiba& Akane: Yuu and Kano siting on a tree doing nothing but K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!! *they start to laugh*
Rin:GO YUUNO!!!!!!
Kurumi: yay! *smiles*
Yuu: I will leave this till here before I kill the so see ya till nest chapter
Everyone: Bye!!! *they all wave*
Kendra: I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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