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Chapter 13

Rooftop Dances

Draco was headed to work, and he was holding so many stuff at once. He had a briefcase, a large box full of files and even a larger one in the other hand. It was one hell of a day, the baby's bed got delivered to the wrong address. He had to go all the way with Hermione to get it.

His day got even worse when he ran into someone, and dropped all his stuff. Great, he thought, this day keeps getting better and better, as he bend down and started collecting his stuff.

The woman whom he ran into was busy picking his stuff and reciting her apologies. She kept saying sorry and claiming that she didn't see him. So Draco didn't say a word,and picked his stuff in silent.

When he eventually looked up though, both of them gasped at the sight of the other. There stood in front of Draco was Jessica, and she looked somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey.." She finally said, not really knowing what to say to him after what she did to him, when she last saw him. Draco didn't really answer her, he just nodded.

"Since we're here, is it okay if we go somewhere to talk. I would really like to explain my actions, I would also like to apologise to your fiancé. The three of us can talk."

Draco thought for second, looked at his watch then said, " I guess I can go out to lunch, right now I have absolutely no time to go out. Hermione and I had one hell of a day-" He was cut off by her.

"It's just that I'm traveling to Switzerland in three hours and I really don't want to leave before I apologise," Jessica smiled sweetly and regretfully. Draco sighed, then scratched the back of his head.

"I guess.... The only way to see Hermione with the time you have, is by visiting our house. She's off duty today, and really tired. I'll ring her up and tell her you're coming."

"Perfect!" She smiled sweetly and most innocently.


Draco had already called Hermione, and she was expecting them. Draco didn't even know what to expect, it might all turn out mental!

He invited her to the living room, then went to call for Hermione. When he entered their room, she shut the door behind him.

"Why is she here?!" Hermione whispered kinda loudly.

"Like I told you on the phone, something seems to be off about her today! I think we should listen to what she's got to say..."

Hermione played with the hem of her skirt, "Yeah... Yeah I know, I'm sorry. I just kinda feel uncomfortable with her around." Draco hugged her to his chest and rested his chin on the top of her head, "I know Curls, I know... But at least now we'll finally get through this, who knows maybe for ever."

The couple headed back to the living room and acted as if nothing happened. Jessica in her turn, acted like she didn't hear what just happened in there.

They all awkwardly sat in silence, sipping their tea. Jessica finally broke the silence by complementing them on how they decorated the living room.

Shortly after, she began her topic.

"I've gone mental, haven't I?"

They all laughed lightly, then she proceeded.

"I want you to know that I'm not against your relationship," she paused, swallowed, looked out of the window, then," It's my dad... He's very ill. I haven't seen you Drake for years, and honestly I felt protective over you. My father doesn't know me anymore! He doesn't know anyone, to be precise. He wanders around the property all day long. The day I came to your villa, he had called the cops. He said that he was being robbed, I was taken for investigation. My own father doesn't even remember me!" When she was done with her explanation, she had tears staining her face. "Draco, please understand that right now... You're my only family! I was, I was afraid that she might take you away from me. I was afraid I'd be left alone!"

Draco looked at Hermione, but she just smiled at him in an assuring way, then nudged him gently. So he stood up, and you embraced her, he told her that she's his best friend and he'd never forget her!

Hermione thought that they needed some time alone, so she made herself busy and took the empty glasses to the kitchen. She was halfway through washing them when Jessica barged in, holding the rest of the dishes.
She was smiling, and seemed to be minda refreshed.

"Would you like something to drink?" Hermione asked her as she did the dishes in haste. Jessica thanked her and accepted as she put the dishes in her hand in the sink.

"When are you due?" Jessica suddenly blurted out. Hermione wasn't focused so she had confusion written all over her face, "Due what?"

"The baby I mean..." She pointed at Hermione's slight bump.

Hermione's mouth formed an 'oh' as she stroked her stomach, "Sometime mid July."

"Great, but how will Draco manage? I mean who would take a 3 month pregnant woman with someone else's baby? Draco is known to be bored easily, and do you really think he'll be around in July when you're in that delivery room?"

Hermione seemed to lose her voice at this, she was very pale. She couldn't help but feel that Jessica might be right, somehow. Draco deserved a life, he deserved to go search for someone who can make him happy, someone other than her.

Jessica left half an hour later. But everything she said, kept haunting Hermione. Draco wanted to put up the nursery that night, but Hermione said she's not feeling well and went to bed.

Draco went to bed with her, and he slept until some annoying feeling that he can't breathe woke him up with a halt.

(Press play on the video.)

He woke up with a halt, and turned to look at Hermione, only to find her side of the bed empty. Panic started creeping all over him, he grabbed some pants and wore some shoes before leaving the room quickly.

He looked for about an hour without finding Hermione, she seemed to disappear completely. Frustrated he went to the rooftop, he thought maybe he'll be able to think. The good thing was, as soon as he got to the rooftop he saw her there, looking down at the city. Swaying slightly to a song in the background.

Full of relief, Draco went forward and hugged her from the back holding her by the waist. He started kissing her neck and smelling her hair, "You scared the s hit out of me Curls, don't do that again."

Then he turned her around and moved her away from the cliff. He put his hands on her waist as she put her hands on his shoulders, and they peacefully swayed to the song. She rested her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, and whispered "Thank you for looking after me."

"I love you Brown Curls" Draco whispered. He felt her stiffen in his arms so he chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, you don't have to say it back." He said as he rubbed tiny circles with his thumb on her waist.

So... *ducks* okay okay I get it! Stop throwing stuff at me for Heaven's sake.
Okay, I'm sorry for being so late, just read the chapter and vote please, with a little cherry on top. I'm sorry for disappearing for such a long time, it has been a rough few months.
Also check my other two stories if you want.
Stay the amazing people you are. 💕

February 2, 2017.
It would mean a lot to me if you voted. Even if you don't, thank you for reading.

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