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Chapter Fifteen: I Think I Wanna Marry You

With her new work, and the ever growing bump on her stomach, Hermione didn't have as much time to keep up with her friends. Of course, she's always in touch with the Weasleys and Harry, but sending them owls just isn't the same as spending time with them. So basically both of her mothers were away from her. One was in Australia, and the second she barely saw these days.

The moment that Hermione stepped into Draco's office, she  found both of her mothers seated in there. Her biological mother crying silently as Mrs. Weasley wipes away her eyes. "Uh hey mom? Mrs Weasley?" 

She was clearly surprised by their angry reaction. Mrs Granger spoke first, "What on Earth do you think you're doing young lady?"

Say what now?

"Excuse me?" Are they seriously going to lecture her for attemtpting to raise the children on her own. As if she needed Ron to keep her life going.

"This is unexcusable, this decision of yours. Who do you think you are?" It was Mrs Weasley's turn this time.

This is seriously getting out of hand. No one was allowed to tell her how to live her life. Out of all th e women in her life she expected them to understand her decision to walk away from a toxic relationship more than anyone.

"Excuse me!" Hermione said loudly once again, "No one gets a say in how I live my freaking life-"

"So it's up to you to cut yourself from us?" Her mother demanded angrily. "You're everything to us!"

"Yes it's up to me- Wait what?"

"How could you do this to us?" Mrs Weasley had tears in her eyes.

Hermione smiled and rushed to hug them both. "You guys, I never cut you out of my life. And sorry for the shouting, I thought you were blaming for the other thing."

Mrs Granger was rubbing her daughters head when Mrs Weasley got up, "That poor boy is probably still looking for you."

Draco came back into the room breathless, he'd been worried about not finding Hermione. "There you are, gee girl." Her mother looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Who's this piece of candy, and why have you never mentioned him. Hermione's mother whispered to her, Are you and him serious?

Hermione hit her mom on the lap, Would you shush?! Then they laughed it off

"Draco, son, what's that on the back of your pants? Seems like an ink stain." Mrs Weasley was sitting to Hermione's left, and Mrs Granger to her right.

"Where? I don't see it." Hermione really couldn't see it.

"Yeah, me nei-". Molly nudged Hermione's mom behind her back, "Yeah yeah I see it now."

"No you need to scrub," Mrs Weasley insisted. Draco was desperately trying to find that ink stain. He was randomly scrubbing on his pants.

"That's not helping," said Mrs Granger miserably, "You need to take it off I guess."

Once she said that Mrs Weasley couldn't hold it in any further and laughed her head off.

"You two are bad bad women!" Hermione joined the laughing, while Draco just tried acting nonchalant. "Off you go, we have work to do."

The two women gathered their purses and got up to leave, halfway out Mrs Granger popped her head in through the door, "Work, huh? Be safe kids!"

"Unbelievable." Hermione was horrified. Their visit was approximately ten minutes and they've managed enough mischief.

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