F i f t e e n

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Author's note at the end.

Chapter 15: First Date and Quickies

It was one lovely morning when Draco came out to the balcony where Hermione was having one greasy breakfast. He knelled in front of her to speak to her directly, her back has been aching recently and he didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

Taking her hands in his, he whispered seductively to her, "Miss. Granger, I have a request for you." Surprised by this sudden formality, she smiled at him and told him to go on.

"I would really love to go out on a date with you."

"A date?", Hermione laughed.

"Yes a date.", Draco insisted.

"But why?", she asked smiling her heart out at him.

"'Well, I don't about you... But I don't usually raise children with someone I've never even gone out with", he reasoned with her with a smirk on his face.

Hermione instead of answering chose to get back to her breakfast, and took a bite. Thus, Draco started tickling her till she started screaming and tickling him back.

Go out with meee He said over and over. Till she finally gasped for air and told him she'll go, so Draco got up and kissed her forehead then wiped away her tears, then he leaned down to her ear and whispered ever so sweetly, I can't wait.

And just like that he was gone, his smell never quite leaving the air. So Hermione went up, and sent Tony, her hairdresser, an owl asking him if he has free time today. Even though she didn't want to admit it she was kind of excited, but first she had work to attend.

After going into her room, she picked out something that still fits with her tiny bump, and getting fully dressed, she went out after Draco who was getting the car. Yes. Draco still refuses to let her apparate before they see a wizard doctor. Stupid, she knows, but she secretly liked it.

Once they reached the office, everyone welcomed her warmly. She'd been missing for a few days due to her backache. On their lunch break, Hermione left her office to go eat some snack, only to run into her friend and they chatted a bit. Few minutes later, Draco came in running and asked Hermione breathlessly who was her favourite band. He didn't even hesitate to leave right after she told him. Just in the speed he came in, he kissed her on the cheek and left once again.

She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, as she turned to see her friend Miranda staring at her with her eyebrows lifted. "And here we all thought you two weren't actually dating!", she giggled.

Hermione opened and closed her mouth like fish, lost for words. But Miranda didn't need to hear anything anymore, she saw what she saw, so she laughed and headed back to her own work. Hermione smiled at nothing in particular in front of her and swirled her curls with her hands. She couldn't wait for their date that night.

It was almost the end of their shift when Hermione headed to Draco's office. She held a file full of papers he needed to sign and take care of, they weren't important, that's why she'd left them till the end of the day... that way they can hang out a bit. But she walked in to find a surprise in there.

Her face paled and she literally felt all the blood flow out of her face. With her facing shaped as an O, she only said Oh. Well that was unexpected.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me she was visiting, I was shocked at first and acted stupid," Hermione argued as she devoured her ice cream. They'd decided to take a walk after work, it seemed like a good idea,besides, the weather was nice. Draco had to lick the ice cream off his mouth before answering, "Well excuse me, but she doesn't need an appointment." Hermione chuckled and muttered something about him not realizing how embarrassed she was to intrude like that. But Draco burst out laughing and said, "For Merlin's sake stop making a fuss about it. Imagine what would've happened if you walked in on quickie?"

That's when Hermione chocked on her ice cream, "You have quickies in there?!" she asked with a look of terror on her face. He simply raised his index finger and said in a as a matter of fact tone, "Used to." looking all smug about himself.

At that Hermione gagged and gave her ice cream weird looks, not sure whether she'll be able to continue eating it, then shrugged it off and finished off her ice cream. "Still though," she said between bites, "it would be nice to tell me that there's a possibility of me meeting your mum, I would've at least done something about my look..." she mumbled quietly.

Draco only chuckled, and grabbed her closer to his waist using his left arm, "You look amazing in you PJs Curls, what's there to fix about your appearance?", then kissed her nose sweetly. "Now if you don't mind, I do believe we have a date to attend." At his reminder she beamed, and couldn't get home fast enough. She had loads of work to do and wanted their night to be perfect.

Meanwhile, Draco was getting ready in his own room humming under his breath. He'd been waiting for this night for a long time now, he'd wanted to take Hermione out on a date since they were teenagers, and it's finally coming true. Checking himself in the mirror one last time, he headed out towards Hermione's room to see whether she's ready.

Author's note: Hello guys, I guess I'll start off by saying thank you. Thank you for waiting for me for so long, and supporting me even though I haven't posted in ages. Thank you for all you heartwarming comments and all the votes. Thank you for understanding my situation, and reading nonetheless. I finished my exams, thank God. I kicked ass of course *smug smiles*, my results are in 6 days... so wish me luck!! I know this chapter isn't really enough, but it was harder to come back after staying away for so long. I'll be taking baby steps from now on, but I won't be leaving this story, I promise you that. Also one more thing, I really wanted to dedicate this chapter to one of you guys, but after going through all your comments and nearly crying, I couldn't just narrow it one person. I love you all, each and every one of you guys.
Stay amazing.

Publish Date: 23rd of June, 2017

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